Hey, your dishcloths look great! I agree that I don't like them to be too large. I like the pattern from the ball band - I may have to dig out some of my kitchen cotton and give it a try.
Well, there has been knitting progress here. I believe that I have finally got the baby sweater worked out. I was about to say it is for sure because I'm about 1/2 done...but then I remembered that I ripped out 3/4 of the body a mere week and a half ago, so I decided to be "optimistic" rather than "sure."
I cast on at the top and worked to the divide of sleeves and body. I finished that ball of yarn on the body, switching to twisted garter stitch (which I am now a big fan of!) I ripped out the swatch and used it to make the collar. I ran out of yarn about 7 rows from the end, so I attached a new ball using the Russian Join (another thing I've become a big fan of!)
I'm almost done with the first sleeve, and hoping I can get both sleeves from this ball of yarn. Then I'll use all remaining yarn on the body, doing twisted garter until the yarn runs out. Hope it comes to the waist...

I would also note my conviction that I have enough yarn for a "baby sweater". I do believe that with all my heart. However, I should mention that yesterday I discovered I had not been paying attention, and I'm making the 12 mos size instead of the 6 mos size. So, if this ends up being a bit...um...short..it will be because I'm making a sweater that is really larger than a "baby sweater." Just sayin'.
At this point I decided that I'm far enough along on the sweater that I can start the baptismal blanket.
So, lace begun. I sat down Monday evening with my yarn, needles, pattern, a bright light, and laptop pointed to Eunny's lace primer. I first tried the 'circular provisional-type' cast on. That really didn't work for me.

Next I tried (successfully) the 'circular crochet-type' cast on, and began the blanket. (Here's a picture.) But I made it to row 5!
Finally, a picture of my current attempt. (Once again, note the lack of temptation to the knitting gods.* I did NOT say the 'final' cast-on.) I finished row 16 last night, and I think I will put in a life line before I go any further.

That's the news from here!
Keep knitting!
Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)
*FTR, I do not believe in the knitting gods!
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