Greetings, and Dear Cynthia,
I laughed at your most recent blog post, and totally agree that when somebody makes a special request for a knitted item, especially an adorable little girl, there is really no choice but to deliver...
Just a quick post today. I have the morning "off," which means I will be cramming a week's worth of errands/projects into four short hours...
ENE'S SCARF is finished! The obligatory photo of it blocking:

And the reason I am not a model and my son is not a photographer:
Both traps worked equally well I would say. The one on the left is cider vinegar in a little bit of water with dish soap covered with plastic wrap which has fork holes poked into it. The one on the right is a now-evaporated bowl of white wine with a little dish soap in it. An empty beer can sitting next to the traps on the counter also attracted quite a few of the little flies, but was not able to actually *capture* even one... I haven't seen a live fruit fly in a couple of days now, so that's nice!
I hope your weather in Indiana is as glorious as ours in south central Wisconsin right now! Have a great Friday!
Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)
The scarf is beautiful! And I think you are a lovely model, my dear.
Oooh! Pretty!
Very lovely scarf!!
Contrary to popular belief, you do catch more flies with vinegar than with honey. Mr. SABLE did grad school in a fruit fly lab and he confirms that.
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