Don't let the title of this post concern you. I'm working toward the same deadline (Christmas Eve) as many other knitters who also might be categorized as "nuts."
I finished my semester last Thursday, and then Friday the boys had a "snow day," so no school. At that time, I didn't have very much checked off of my Christmas "to do" list, though somehow I thought it was a good idea to *add* the sewing of three fleece hoodies into the mix, so that I may keep my family warm. I bought eight yards of fleece [though, I think the lady cutting it lost track as she was measuring and she might have cut *nine* yards, instead. I thought about having her check to be sure, but I didn't want to annoy her (because it IS the Christmas season), and I really wasn't *positive* that she measured out too much...]. In any case, eight or nine yards is a lot of fleece. I have about an hour of sewing left on the one for DH, and probably two hours for each of the boys'.
I didn't have much of a gift yet for one of my nephews, so a Knitty Fish hat seemed just the thing to make in my spare time. I was going to use some really nice wool I had on hand, and then I remembered the sweater I made for this same nephew which my sister accidently felted in the washing machine, so I pulled out all of my acrylic stash and started knitting away.
Here is a quilted wall hanging my mom made for the boys to give to their piano teacher.
My "Must Have Cardigan" is seeing slow but steady progress. It's not going to be done by the end of the year, most likely, but will make for some fine travel knitting.
Here is our Christmas tree:
So, I have two weeks at home with the boys, and when they go back to school, I start a two-week clinical assignment. Then it's right back into school. It's not exactly a huge "break," though I'm glad for the time away from the intensity of classes/exams right now.
It's NEGATIVE 10 degrees F (not including the wind chill) here right now. We'll run some errands this afternoon, but that's about it. Perfect day to hunker down in the house. The boys are really enjoying a more relaxed schedule, and playing nicely together today.
Shameless plug for anybody who might be in the Madison area next weekend: The quartet I play with (Madison Marimba Quartet) is giving a free concert next Saturday, December 27, at 1:00pm on campus. Send me an e-mail if you are interested in further details...
Well, time to get back to other tasks at hand.
Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)
Those hoodies look nice and warm. Your guys will love them.
We went back to the tree farm this year. We've found looking for a shorter tree was more successful. I miss the pine smell when we put up the artificial tree, but it is easier.
I must comment on the quilt -- how thoughtful, unique, beautiful, special. As you describe the info on the label it seems like it will be a treasured gift for the recipient.
Oops, there I go stealing my dh's identity again....
Marie N.
Oh, I love the fish!!! So adorable. And the hoodies are amazing. I wish I came from a sewing family.
I will now think of your sister, whose real name I don't know, as the Accidentally Felted It Sister.
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