Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Tuesday is Sewing Day - Fourth Edition

Greetings and Dear Cynthia,

Thank you for all of your comments regarding smiling more, turning off the tv, and the color for my scarf having the triangles! I appreciate each and every one of them! I really think that smiling more is helping me, though I'm not sure exactly why. I think maybe because it helps me to begin any interactions from a "more positive place"... Does that make sense?

Anyway, day three of no tv in the house, though I admit I watch it during my workouts at the gym. Somehow it doesn't seem like "cheating" if I'm running three miles at the same time... I do miss it in the evenings, after I'm done studying and ready to knit for a little while, so I'm reading the second Harry Potter book instead. (Finally getting around to finding out what all of the Harry Potter Mania is about....)

ANYWAY, on my fourth "sewing day", I totally got side-tracked. TOTALLY! Here is what our window blind looked like after one of the little strings inside of it broke:
It is a Hunter Douglas something or other, and they have a great policy in that if something breaks, they send you the parts for free....and when I say "parts", I mean "parts"...including a 19 page instruction booklet detailing how to make the repair.

And so, an hour and forty five minutes later, voila': I removed the valence and am going to recycle its fabric to make it into a valence which (hopefully) looks better than the one currently in place. Sorry for the crummy lighting, but I was just so excited to be able to actually **open** the blind!!

In knitting news, I finished the hood:Gotta run! The school bus waits for no one.....

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. I love it when I can fix something irritating like that. Perhaps someday soon I'll actually order new blinds for my bedroom. Since the Master Bedroom Remodel of 2005/2006/2007, I have been blindless. Of course, for the end of 2005 and most of 2006, I was also window-trimless, making it difficult to actually have blinds.

    Hood looks great.

  2. You go, Fix-it woman! Looks great. I just love that little sweater, too. Can't wait to see it finished!

  3. You GO girl! The shade looks great as does the hood. Watching TV to make exercise a little more tolerable is not cheating! Eating a large Hershey bar is though. Don't ask me how I learned this.
