Monday, April 23, 2007

Stuff that's done....


I have some FO's to post. I've decided that I love blocking, because it means I have something off the needles!

First of all, I finished the ladybug, blocked it and turned it over to my co-worker who commissioned it.

It looks like the picture on the pattern, which is the point. I'm not really a fan of this hat - it strikes me more as "goofy" than "cute" but to each their own.

I also did a block from the
Lizard Ridge afghan on Knitty.

I am collecting yarn to make this afghan, although I probably won't get to start until later this summer. When I took the Toddler Sweater into my LYS, we agreed that I would be "paid in yarn" (yay!!) and so part of my payment was in Noro Kureyon. I mentioned why I was collecting it, and Sandy said that she had heard about that afghan and is interested in making one herself. In the end, I agreed to knit a block for a sample, so that's done now.

I'm back to working on the Dale of Norway baby sweater and the blanket for my niece. I made some good progress this weekend - and sorry, I'm not up for turning off my tv for a week! It's baseball season! And I paid for the MLB "Extra Innings" package so that I can see more games. Doesn't seem to make sense to take a week off from it!

Last week, I availed myself of a "10-Minute Massage" at work. They have a massage therapist that comes in weekly. I had heard that if you have a specific problem area, she can work on that, so I took my aching wrists and hands in. She really did help and I was really excited about that. I think I'll do a couple more sessions over the next few weeks. When I explained that my pain comes from knitting, she said that she knew just what to do - that her daughter and several of her friends knit, so she's worked on arms for that before. She also mentioned that she had just been in Milwaukee and had gone to a couple of yarn stores and got sock yarn for her daughter!! We tried to figure out if we'd been to the same stores there, but couldn't piece that together. She may have been to the one we went to that had all the great tags - remember? All of the yarn had a store label that gave the information and a swatch?


Keep knitting!! (Even without the tv....)

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter!)

1 comment:

  1. Awww that ladybug hat is cute. Definitely a little silly though, but sometimes that is what you want! And I agree, no way am I turning off my TV all week.. what if there is a new episode of the Office on thursday?!????
