Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'm living the dream.....

...or nightmare might be a better word for it.....

Greetings, and Dear Cynthia,

I know we've talked about that dream in which you register for a class at the beginning of a semester, and then forget all about it until the end of the semester, at which time you go into a fit of panic....because you have no knowledge of what your professor looks like, you have not taken any of his mid term tests, you have done no assigned homework, you are not even sure what the book for the class looks like......and you are trying to figure out how you are ever going to do well on the final exam...

I am living this dream! My ultimate hope, aside from being able to save hundreds of dollars and lots of time by not having to re-take this class which I first took 25 years ago, is that by actually *living* this dream, I might stop *having* this dream.

In any case, studying is going fairly well, and I am *almost on schedule* to be *ready* (if anybody can ever be sure of that....) by next Tuesday, the day I'm taking the test. Knitting has suffered. Sleep has suffered. Not watching tv this week has helped immensely..... Although, total bummer that The Office is **not** a repeat this week, so I'm breaking down and taping it to view next week.

On Tuesday night after my test, I'm using a gift card to a restaurant and taking my family out for dinner -- a celebration if the test goes well; something to make me feel better if it doesn't.

In my next post, I'll return to my regularly scheduled knitting. I have been knitting a little bit, but it all still looks **a lot** like it did in prior photos..... In the meantime, I'm enjoying reading some other blogs and appreciating the efforts of lots of other knitters.....

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)
P.S. I think your ladybug hat is cute!


  1. Good luck! I hope the dinner is a celebration.

  2. You can do it!!! If you can knit all the amazing and complicated things you have knit, then a measly little test should be nothing!

  3. Laura! How close to me do you live, really? I will totally help you if you want! Please don't stress so much, you will do great! (Seriously, though, I will totally help)

  4. Best of luck on the test tomorrow, Laura. You'll do great! The dinner wil be a big celebration! Enjoy it!
