Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Back to normal...

Greetings and Dear Cynthia,

Thank you everybody for your kind wishes and words... I took my test today, and though I thought there might be a chance I'd have my score in hand by now, that is not the case, and I wait. I have to say I am feeling a huge sense of "Yay I don't have to study Chemistry any more for a while" type of relief, and am happy to be back in the posting business.

I started a sleeve on my nephew's sweater. I picked up stitches at the arm hole, worked back and forth for about an inch to accommodate the inset part of the sleeve cap, then joined to work in the round. Always nice when every few rows the number of stitches decreases (rather than the increasing I had grown so accustomed to on the last several sweaters I've made.....). I'm just about ready to put it on double pointed needles as I continue to work toward the cuff.

There's also the Branching Out Scarf, which is not quite halfway yet, but which is very quick, so I'm not **too** worried about missing my deadline.

And finally, after spending a lot of time studying about freezing point depressions, and vapor pressure, and electron orbitals, and ideal gases (which I should be an expert on, given that the three males I live with share theirs so freely), I have a few other things to contend with...such as this:and this (that pile of mail that I am not able to deal with immediately upon its arrival -- How do people manage that? Seriously....I'm all ears for tips on this one!):In any case, first things first, and in just a few minutes we are going to walk over to a local restaurant and grab ourselves a nice meal out to **celebrate** the exam is over. Perhaps it is best not to know my score just yet.....

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. Congrats on the exam regardless of the results! one of the reasons finished school a couple years ago. Love the sweater and great way to do the sleeves.
    Your scarf is gorgeaous - actaully though it was a designer gown when first glanced at the photo.

  2. Sounds like you feel okay about the exam though. I didnt' read panic in your post.

    My mail has the same issue...

  3. Yay. The exam is done.

    If you get any tips for dealing with the mail that work for a real family, and not a Stepford Wife, let me know. I'd love to see our table again.

  4. Yay! The test is over! Your knitting looks great! The weather is fine and all is well in our little corner of the world! Congrats on finishing Chem!!

  5. Congratulations! You're done for the semester! And knitting happily away, I see. Looks great! The Branching Out scarf is very reminiscent of the Column of Leaves scarf I made this winter. That one was a lot of fun -- I hope this one is too!

  6. Mail, mail, mail. I have a post office box with a recycle bin 10 feet away (boy, was I happy when they put that in -- no more landfill guilt) and I eliminate 75% or more of my mail before I leave (mostly catalogs -- even the ones I have requested they stop sending many many times. Yeah Title Nine Sports, I'm talking about you.).
    Even so, mail accumulation still is a problem. Bottom line I think I just don't want to deal with anything when I get home except putting on some jammies and zoning out. I have considered bringing it to work where I am accustomed to dealing with paper but, of course, I need to be working when I'm at work!! Good luck on finding a solution.
    Congrats on the test -- what a relief! Now you get to study NEW chemistry!
