Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Update on Sapporo

Dear Cynthia and other friends,

I am anxiously waiting to hear what you will decide regarding your Dale of Norway sweater -- whether you will set it aside **or** forgo sleep this month. I do think you are a little bit crazy, but only in the best sense of that word, and in no way different from a lot of knitters who have projects which exceed their available time. (The Yarn Harlot comes immediately to mind.....)

Anyway, I've been a bit preoccupied lately, with little things like income tax returns (and I mean that in the extreme plural sense of the word -- we have to file seven different returns due to some weird anomalies this year, and I just completed the third one.....). Also, there were other knitting projects which might have been diverting my attention, as well as reading a chemistry book from when I was in college in 1982 (more later on that).In any case, I'm still plugging away on Sapporo. The Origami fan shown in the photo is in the buttonhole which forms the base of the zipper opening. I've divided for the front neckline and so am very close to finishing up the body of this sweater. Then it's just the sleeves, which should be easy, because the color pattern on them is much simpler. Then, of course, is the huge amount of finishing, and nobody knows how long that will take...

Color dominance: Is it real or imagined? I knit most of the colorwork in this sweater carrying the black yarn with my left hand (dominant color) and the light yarn with my right hand. Can you tell from the photo at which point I switched to carrying the light color in my left hand, and the dark in my right? (I thought about ripping back and re-doing it, because I think it is a bit noticeable, but then I decided that sometimes "perfect is the enemy of good enough". What do you think?)

As usual, time to go put a load of laundry in... I hope you have a great rest of the day!

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. I'm not seeing the change in your picture. I have a cardigan in which it is very apparent on the wrong side where I changed hands, but not on the right. I'll show it to you sometime.

    Heads up, too, that I won't be at knitting this month because we're going to San Diego for spring break. We'll have a normal Last Saturday sometime!

  2. Nope. NO IDEA where you changed dominant hands. Probably one of those things that only you will notice......

  3. I can't tell either. I'm knitting the same sweater only with the raglan sleeves and am up to the beginning of the points (about 5 more rows in the chart left). I know you looked at a picture on my site a little while back because you posted a comment. I put a new picture up this morning. I'm carrying the top color now in my left hand (I'm also a thrower) and still carrying color 1 in my right. I assume I will be switching here shortly also, but I hadn't really thought about it. It's gotten to the point that I'm not sure I'm any faster with one hand over the other. My biggest issue with the raglan is that sometime soon my circular will be too long and I will have to so something else. I don't have a shorter circ - but I do have dpns. Perhaps I will use both for a bit!

  4. College in 1982!!!! Thats when I was bornded. Oops... I just showed my age!

    The sweater looks fantastic. I can't believe how fast you knit.

  5. Can't see it either, and I really tried.
