Monday, March 05, 2007

All about everything

Dear Laura:

That origami looks like SO much fun! And I'm glad to know where a ski band goes when it dies. Those fingerless mitts look great!

Wow. I have so much to post that I don't where to begin. Let's see....

February Goals:

In February, I did finish the hats for my brothers. The orange hat for my niece is off the list - instead she wanted a girth-strap for her horse, which is complete!

The ladybug sweater - I have not finished the body, but both sleeves are done, and I'm past the ladybug sections.
I'm kind of digging my heels in on this one. I'm making a 12-month size for a baby who will be born in May, so that it can be worn next fall/winter. I have SO many baby things that I would like to knit, and so realistically, I could put this down for awhile. In fact, reality may dictate that I do that. But I'm afraid that if I do may languish. I know me, it's certainly possible. Let's continue with the goals and come back to this....

The blanket - I did make some progress on the blanket this month - I think it is close to 20".

Drop-in projects for February were a pair of mittens for my mother, who temporarily lost hers, and the girth strap for Kelly's horse. I also spent a few hours shortening sleeves on a sweater for another co-worker - I'm going to do a whole post on that later this week.

March goals:

Hang on to your hats, March is where I lose all touch with reality. Ok, first of all, I agreed to knit a hat for a 2-year-old living in Florida for a co-worker. Knit for hire. Something cute, not wool, not too heavy. I found a skein of Mission Falls 1824 Cotton in a creamy yellow color in my stash.
From Knitting Pict...
I did a ruffled brim with an eyelet rib - kind of an adaptation of a free pattern that I found online. I need to knit a little flower and leaf for embellishment, and try it on a toddler, and then it's done.
So, I'm already almost done with a project for March!

There is a baby shower coming up in mid-March, and I'm to knit 2 little hats and one pair of booties as prizes.
I took a magic loop class over the weekend, and started a hat.

Then I found this really fun cushy yarn and picked up a pattern to make either a teddy-bear or a pillow. It's just the right colors for the nursery, and I couldn't resist. I'm thinking the pillow would be quick, we'll see when I cast on which it is.....

AND I have a bridal shower in mid-April, and I've gotten some crazed "
Mason-Dixon" fever and think I need to knit 2-3 washcloths, 2 hand towels and a bath rug!!!!! Hey, washcloths are small, and the bath rug is on big's not unreasonable....OH! And some cute felted boxes - you know, a whole bath set of complimentary colors! AND I have the yarn for the cloths and towels already in my stash.....

Oh. Plus finish the baby sweater and make some actual progress on the blanket.

Now, I know what you're thinking..."Wow, she HAS lost touch with reality, but there are some pretty small projects in there....." Do not fear. There is more.

I was at
Cass Street on Thursday, and there was this yarn that really called to me. It's a long-repeat variegationa long stripe of cream then a long stripe of blue/green/burgundy variegation. I wanted to see how that would knit up. So I volunteered to knit a toddler pullover as a store sample.While there is no set deadline, it seems reasonable for them to expect it sometime in March......

So, reader poll.

March goals - should I put the baby sweater aside until these projects are done? Is that enough or is it still too insane? Do I need to back away from the needles on something else??

Choose as many answers as you like!

March Madness
Life is short, who needs sleep, go for all of it!
Get a grip. Put down the sweater for March.
You've completely lost it - put down the sweater and at least one other project.
Knit that sweater no matter what. Medicate for Mason-Dixon fever. Buy a shower gift.
Don't you dare stop that sweater. Take the yarn for the toddler sweater back and tell them you overestimated how much a human being can knit.
Stop knitting and take more naps!
You are crazed and you scare me. Stop asking me questions.
Free polls from

Keep knitting!

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter!)


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    You can make it. All of it!!! Looking forward to seeing more pictures. And- you know that ladybug? Knitting is fast- you just wait with the sewingtogetherpart till April....
    Best of luck! Marit in Norway

  2. The ladybug sweater is going to be so darling! I look forward to photos of the completed garment if that would not spoil the surprise.

  3. The ladybug is way too cute to put down. But your total list is exhausting to think're a better (wo)man than I am, Gunga Din. :)
