Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sleeves.....We're remarkable sleeves....

Dear Cynthia and other friends,Truly, this sleeve is **not** remarkable, but I've been listening to the "Philadelphia Chickens" CD a lot lately (my four year old is hooked on it, and I'm hooked on watching him laugh, sing, and dance along with it), and if I substitute the word "Sleeves" for "Cows" in the very first song, it sort of works.....but I don't think we should think about that too much.....

Anyway, this is the first sleeve of Sapporo, and **yawn** it's definitely knitting which requires another activity at the same time. Perhaps it is good that the NCAA basketball tournament begins at the end of this week, so I'll have lots of tv time to knit this sleeve.... boring is the sleeve that I started a dishrag.... This is from Mason Dixon Knitting, which I recently checked out of the library, and I know I'm maybe the last knitter on the planet to make one of these, but I had to try it for myself. It is my first project involving slipped stitches. It's a fun project, and I'm so glad it is a dishrag so that I don't have to concern myself with the fact that the color in the variegated green yarn is obviously pooling. This is going to be over nine inches square, per pattern, but for the next one, I'll cast on fewer stitches so that it is more like seven inches square or so.

Finally, I finished the fingerless mitts, and actually started writing out the free pattern. I'll try to post it soon, though I've actually been doing a lot of *ahem* housework lately (which explains why I haven't posted in days). It seems as though there is never enough time for everything I want to/must do, so something always is sacrificed. I know I'm not unique in this..... What's the first thing you choose to sacrifice? I'm guessing that for most it is housework? After all, it will still always be there, waiting, if I let it go for a day or a week..... Well, now I'm rambling, so I'll close. Have a great week!

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. Ha. You're probably the reason I had to return Mason Dixon Knitting and wasn't able to renew it. Not a real big deal. I thought I was the last person in North America to even see the book and I didn't make a "warshcloth".

    The fingerless mitt looks great. Very cozy.

    I definitely put aside housework for other stuff. No amount of work seems to make a dent in it, so why bother? At least if I spend time knitting, I have something to show for it.

  2. Anonymous5:23 AM

    The cables look great--defined, yet soft.
    For me, it's not what gets sacrificed, it's what do I do--you only get done if you're in the top 3 (for instance, my son has no clean pants, so if I want him to go to school tomorrow, laundry is #1!)

  3. Sleep is usually the first thing that I let go when I start getting too much on my plate followed closely by housework and grocery shopping. I don't sleep much usually. This weekend, I've been catching up on the housework because my mom is coming on Thursday for a visit (assuming there is still an empty seat on the place - since she's flying as am employee's parent with last priority to get on). She might have to come on Friday instead.

    I like the fingerless gloves.

    My Sapporo didn't get far this weekend. I managed the cast off for the zipper, but that was only about 10 rows further along than I was before. I did try it on for fit and verify row count for the top though - so I guess that's something.

  4. Hey, finally you can join the rest of us in ballband-addiction land! I have like my 5th or so ballband on the needles right now! As for the poolinhg, I think it actually looks cool on the finished ballband... I guess we will see what you think!

  5. Ooooh! Gorgeous mitts! Can't wait to see the pattern!
