Monday, March 12, 2007



Well, as usual, I underestimated the time required to knit things, but it's all fine. I had hoped to have the shower knitting done by Saturday night, but it took until Sunday evening. However, I have finished the knitting that HAS to be done for the baby shower on Sunday.

Behold, a cotton hat (Cascade Fixation, using the magic loop method) and 2 pair of wool socks, (1) Koigu and (1) Lucy Neatby Celestial Merino, knit on size 0 dpns.

I used a
Feather and Fan baby sock pattern from the web for the bluish pair. Then I found the leftovers from a scarf made with Koigu and thought I had enough for a second pair. I weighed the first feather and fan sock, and it was .35 oz. Then I weighed the ball of Koigu - .65 oz. Well, that's .05 short, so I branched out on my own and chose a double-eyelet rib stitch and made the cuff a little smaller. I ended with just about a yard of Koigu left. Whew!

I also started a pillow with this fun
Sprinkles yarn. Not usually a fan of the funky yarns, but this one pulled me into its little polyester goofyness. And it's just the right colors for the nursery.

My apologies for the picture quality - my cell phone does ok if I have GREAT light, but otherwise not so much. Oh well, digital cameras cost yarn money, so we will soldier on with bad pictures...

Keep knitting!

Cynthia (aka DesignatedKnitter)


  1. Sweet little socks and hat!

    Where did you get your scale? Would you recommend it? I don't have one yet, but I know serious knitters ought to have one ;-)

    I've only gotten up to my LYS one time and then I had not time to browse. Alas, I need to pick up most of my yarn on ebay or from craft stores.

  2. OMG... you're knitting with a yarn called SPRINKLES????????!!!???! What has come over you!!!! You're not the person I thought you were.

  3. I know!!! I think we ought to send her to the doctor and make sure she's feeling okay. POLYESTER???

    Can you believe she just cast on that 2nd pink sock yesterday? She must have knit in church :O
