Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fingerless Mitts with XO Cable

A pattern by YarnThrower(This pattern is the property of YarnThrower and may not be reproduced except for one copy for individual use. If you print or distribute this pattern without YarnThrower's written permission, you are stealing.)

Finished Dimensions:
7 inches around (3.5 inches wide) by 7 inches long .
(For my hand, the fit is snug, but not tight.)

Set of four US size 4 double pointed needles (dpn).
124 yards/50 Grams Classic Elite Yarns "Lush", 50% Angora, 50% Wool (worsted weight). [mitts shown were made using "Pink Icing" color.]
[I was within a yard or two of using ALL of the yarn, so if you are a loose knitter, or will be using larger needles to achieve a looser fit or bigger mitts, I would recommend purchasing an additional hank of yarn for insurance.]

NOTE: The directions for these mitts assume a familiarity in working with dpn's.

Stitch patterns:

Kfb: Knit into the front and back of the next stitch.

M1b: "Make one" by inserting left needle into the little strand which runs between the stitch just worked (on the right needle) and the next stitch on the left needle, from back to front. Then knit this newly picked up stitch.

M1f: "Make one" by inserting left needle into the little strand which runs between the stitch just worked (on the right needle) and the next stitch on the left needle, from front to back. Then knit this newly picked up stitch.

K2tog: Knit the next two stitches together, as if they were one stitch.

C4B: Put next two stitches on cable needle and hold in back of work. Knit two stitches, then knit two from cable needle.

C4F: Put next two stitches on cable needle and hold in front of work. Knit two stitches, then knit two from cable needle.

Cable pattern:
Rows 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14,16: K8
Rows 3 and 15: C4B, C4F
Rows 7 and 11: C4F, C4B

Note that Cable pattern will be worked for a total of four times on each mitt. The pattern will simply say "Cable", which means that you should work the next row in the cable pattern. For example, on the first row of the mitt, when you get to the word "cable", then simply K8, per row 1 of cable pattern. On the second row of the mitt, when it says "cable", again, K8 per row 2 of cable pattern. When you are working the third row of the mitt, when you get to the word "cable", work C4B, C4F, per the directions for row 3 of the cable pattern. After all 16 rows of the cable pattern have been completed, then begin with row 1 again, etc.

Pattern for Left Mitt:
Cast On 42 stitches.
Joining to work in the round, work 16 rows of ribbing pattern as follows:
  • K1, P2, K2, P2, Cable, (P2, K2) 6 times, P2, K1.
Work Increase row:
  • K1, P2, Kfb, K1, P2, Cable, P2, Kfb, K1, P2, K2, P2, Kfb, K1, (P2, K2) 2 times, P2, Kfb, K1, P2, K1. (46 stitches)
Work 6 rows as follows:
  • K6, P2, Cable, P2, K to end of row.
Thumb Gusset:
  • Row 1: K6, P2, Cable, P2, K25, M1b, K1, M1f, K2.
  • Row 2 and all even gusset rows: K6, P2, Cable, P2, K to end of row.
  • Row 3: K6, P2, Cable, P2, K25, M1b, K3, M1f, K2.
  • Row 5: K6, P2, Cable, P2, K25, M1b, K5, M1f, K2.
Continue in the pattern established, knitting two more stitches between the Make Ones on each successive odd numbered row. (Note that the number of stitches worked between the Make Ones always equals the row number.) Do this until 16 rows have been worked. (62 stitches)

Next round (dividing round):
  • K6, P2, Cable, P2, K25, place next 17 stitches on waste yarn for thumb, cast on one stitch, K2. (46 stitches on needles, 17 stitches on waste yarn)
Continue to work hand as follows until complete cable pattern has been worked three complete times:
  • K6, P2, Cable, P2, K to end of row.
Work 10 additional rows as set.

Then, work decrease row:
  • K1, P2, K2tog, K1, P2, Cable, P2, K2tog, K1, P2, K2, P2, K2tog, K1, (P2, K2) 2 times, P2, K2tog, K1, P2, K1. (42 stitches)
Work Ribbing Pattern for five rows as follows:
  • K1, P2, K2, P2, Cable, (P2, K2) 6 times, P2, K1.
At this point, Cable pattern will have been worked completely four times.

Bind off loosely.

Put thumb stitches on DPN's. Pick up 2 stitches under thumb. (19 stitches)

Knit one round, decreasing two stitches under the thumb by working K2tog twice, closing some holes which might be present in that area. (17 stitches)

Work one round K2P2 ribbing, and at end of round, work the last two stitches together. (16 stitches)

Work five more rounds K2 P2 ribbing. Bind off loosely.

Weave in all ends.

Pattern for Right Mitt:
Same as Pattern for Left Mitt EXCEPT change thumb gusset section as follows:
  • On odd numbered rows, and also on dividing round, instead of "K25", work "K8".
  • At the end of the odd numbered rows, and also on dividing round, instead of "K2", work "Knit to end of row".
Please feel free to e-mail me (YarnThrower) with any questions you may have regarding this pattern. Also, please let me know if you run across any errors. Thank you!


  1. Thank you ! Thank you! These are gorgeous!

  2. Did you really use size 4's for this pattern? "Lush" is recommended with 6's and it seems like 4's would be awfully small for worsted weight?

    Also, did you do a gauge swatch?


  3. Hi Molly,

    I'm rather confident that I did use size 4's for this pattern. I have
    the "Folk Mittens" book, and many of those patterns call for needles
    much smaller than recommended by the yarn manufacturers, so I did the same. For mittens, you want your fabric to be rather tight so that the cold air can't get through as easily.

    I don't think I made a gauge swatch. The purl stitches which run alongside of the center cable sort of "pull in" a bit when the mitts are off, but when I put them on, they stretch just a little bit, so I guess there is a small amount of negative ease, and I like the fit. (I should have done a gauge swatch, however -- Since the mitts
    actually fit, I must have just been lucky.....)

    Good luck with the pattern, if you decide to make them. I love the Lush yarn!


  4. These are beautiful and are next on my list after all my Christmas knitting! Thanks! xx

  5. I'm fairly new at 'cable', but I did a swatch an have now got the hang of xo's. I love this pattern, but I get mixed up on the row count. I start my thumb gusset on row 7 and finish the glove on row 5 - well I haven't yet, but it will end up at that. Is this an error or am I not understanding the pattern?
    I am using a merino worsted yarn, which is soft and cudly. I can't wait to finish them.

  6. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Hi, I'm not sure if I'm just doing the pattern wrong or not? I didn't notice anything off until after the increase row, but by K6, P2, Cable, P2 K to end I've got the purl bumps on the outside of my glove... upon further consideration, I noticed that my ribbing is opposite the picture as well.

    Is it possible that I should be knitting the purls and purling the knits? Or could I be making a different mistake?

    Love the pattern though! It's my first pattern on dpns as well as my first work with cabling... and my first pair of gloves! It's easy to follow, and I'm really enjoying it!

  7. Hi Katie, -- I don't know why you might be getting different results... I imagine that you *did* join to knit the pattern in the round? If not, then if the rows are worked "back and forth," every other row will have the Purls and Knits the opposite of what they should be. Are you able to take a photo of what you have so far and e-mail it to me? I might be able to diagnose from that. I believe the pattern to be correct, as several other folks have used it and I haven't heard back about any errors...though I'm happy to help you trouble shoot...

    Regards, Laura

  8. I fell in love with these when I saw them. I'm working the pattern now and loving it! My first time knitting cables, and it's a joy.
    Would you be against my using the XO cable on the edge of a scarf so I could have matching gloves and scarf?

  9. Actually, the XO cable isn't my invention -- I got it out of a stitch dictionary someplace. In general, my thoughts about using any patterns is that you may change them however you'd like when you are knitting things for yourself or loved ones, etc., and that includes using elements from them for other accessories.

  10. C. Dixie6:50 PM

    These are my first glove & true shaping project as well - thanks! It's a great pattern and much easier than at first glance, and very intuitive. I'm glad I took the time to 'translate' first - I wrote out all the rows & made sure my stitch count made sense. That may help Nannie Gran and Katie. Almost to the thumb - what do you mean by 'pick up 2 stitches under thumb'? Thanks!!

  11. Hello Yarn Thrower and guests--I have taught myself to knit socks but never gloves and having just stumbled on the X O fingerless glove pattern I plan to try the pattern asap. Thank you so much for a pattern that has inspired me to invest in yet more books.

  12. Can I use a circular needle to make these mitts?

  13. You can use a circular needle to make these, though it would have to be a really long one (40" or so) and you'd have to use the "magic loop" method.

    There are really small (11") circular needles, too, which might work, though I find they are more difficult to work with.

  14. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I'm new at this cable thing. I dont understand how to join to work in the round. Could u plz explain. Thanks

  15. Well, I do not really believe this will have success.

  16. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Hi Laura,

    I love this pattern, and it's working up so beautifully! I'm making a pair for each of my twin nieces in their favorite colors - acid green and bright blue (maybe even in time for Christmas - they're working up so quickly!), and I know they're going to love them!!

    I had a question about the division for the thumb gusset:

    When you knit the 17 stitches onto waste yarn, do you slip those stitches back onto the needle and knit them again in the main color, or do they just sort of "float" on the waste yarn?

    The pattern says there should be 46 stiches on the needles and 17 on the waste yarn - just want to make sure I proceed the right way from this point.

    I think they must just hang out on the waste yarn, because I see that the pattern continues with the 46 stitches...but wanted to be sure.

    Thanks again so much!! This is becoming one of my favorite patterns, I just love the XO cables!!


  17. Thanks for such a wonderful pattern, you are so talented Laura. My Mum stitched a pair for my daughter, you can see a photo on my blog, www.sewforsoul.blogspot.co.uk
    Thanks again, Josie xx

  18. I love these gloves! Did you use regular needles or round needles..?

  19. repeating nanny grann's question

    I am starting the thumb
    I see row 1, 2, 3, no 4, and 5

    is there no row 4?
    plse respond asap as I am anxious to finish this great pattern...


  20. nevermind I got it.....read row 2.....thnx

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  22. Love these but I’m having same issue as nanny gran.
    Completed first 16 rows. Is the increase row considered row 1 of the cable pattern? If so, the next 6 rows would be row 2- row 7. Then the thumb gusset starts which would be row 8 but it’s labeled specifically with row numbers.
    I hope I explained where I am getting confused well enough for you to straighten me out. Thank you for your time,

  23. I'm trying out your pattern! So pretty. I'm reading through and making notes before i begin and i don't understand how 46 stitches gets to 62... Following the 16 row pattern, you only increase 2 each side of the thumb five times, so I expect to only have 56 at time of divide... But then you also mention i should have 17 stitches for thumb and 46 for hand which equals 63? I've made mittens many years ago, so i can probably just guess, but I'm worried that I don't understand the 16 rows properly.

    1. yarnthrower@gmail.com6:07 AM

      Hi Peggy,

      Glad you found the pattern, thank you for your note.

      Here is how the increases work:
      - There is an increase row immediately after the ribbing, four stitches are added on this increase row.
      - The thumb gusset has 16 rows, and there are two increases on each of the odd thumb gusset tires, so 2x8 is another 16 stitches increased.

      So total stitches is 42+4+16 = 62.

      Does this make sense? If not, let me know and I'll try again...


    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Thank you for your fast reply! This is where i get confused... The increase is first row of 16 set? That's 46 stitches... then "Work 6 rows as follows: K6, P2, Cable, P2, K to end of row" are rows 2-7 of the 16, no increases and these are before the gusset. So the gusset is last 9 rows of the 16? Increases on rows 8/10/12/14/16 of the 16 row set, which happen to be the of rows of the gusset section.. thus i count 46+10.
      Where did i miss the other increases?

  24. There are no increases in the first 16 rows. These 16 rows are the cuff.

    The next row after that is labeled “Work Increase row” and that row has 4 “Kfb” in it, (which is a type of increase). So after this row, you will have 42 + 4 stitches = 46 stitches.

    There are no increases within the next six rows.

    Then the pattern says “Thumb Gusset.” Starting with the first row of the thumb gusset, you will do a M1b, and also a M1f, on each odd numbered row. So each odd numbered row contains two increases in it, one which leans rightward, and the other which leans leftward. (There are no increases on the even number rows.)

    Note that the gusset instructions in the pattern are completely written out for the first five rows of the gusset, but then it says to continue in pattern until 16 rows have been worked. (In other words, the gusset is 16 rows, but only the first five rows are spelled out, but the remaining 11 rows can be easily figured out by following the established pattern, until 16 gusset rows have been completed. Because each odd numbered row contains two increases, and there are 8 odd numbered rows in the gusset (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15), this is another 2x8 = 16 increases. (46 + 16 = 62).

    I hope this helps.

  25. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I'm such a goofball, but i thought i could break this up into good four sets of 16 rows... But it's not, right? There is 7 extra rows?
    - 16 rows for the rib with cable pattern
    - 1 increase row, but it says to follow cable in it? So i did the the k8?
    - 6 rows with cable and no increase? Which part of the cable pattern? I just assumed I continued the pattern
    - 16 rows of the cable pattern with the gusset? So start the cable pattern over again?

    OH OH!!! I was way over thinking this! It's not too late for me, my brain and my knitting... Just keep doing the pattern... The 16 rows for the gusset are are not a complete xo cable set... It's just 16 rows, that starts on 8th row in the cable pattern and ends on the 7th row in the cable pattern!!! When I do that, it all works great. Sigh.
    Thank you for hanging with me!
