Monday, May 22, 2006

Sans Zipper, But Very Close!

Dear Cynthia,

This may look a little bit familiar... After knitting almost the entire sweater twice, and learning lessons which I thought I already knew regarding things possibly appearing to be too small at the start of a project, and situations not resolving themselves by ignoring critical facts, I think I have something here which fits. It has to, because I'm not sure I would be able to muster the fortitude to rip it out and then knit it a third time. Gaining or losing weight will be my first line of defense if this sweater is still the wrong size. I'll let you know...

All that remains is weaving in a few ends, sewing the underarm seams, washing, blocking, and zipper insertion. I'll try to post the pattern by the end of the week, along with a photo of me wearing it.

Tomorrow, I'll be posting my entry for the first challenge of The Amazing Lace. The rules clearly state there are no million dollar prizes, so I'll still have to find other income sources to support my "little knitting hobby", but it just sounded so fun.

Warm regards,
Laura (aka YarnThrower)
P.S. Congrats on finishing the blanket! I know I'll enjoy reading about your baby sweater and lace shawl, too!

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