Monday, May 22, 2006

Blanket Blocking...

Dear Laura:
Yay! The blanket is blocking! I cast off when I got home Friday evening, and now
it is washed and pinned and looking lovely. It ended up being roughly 34" square - love the whole blocking thing. I was worried that it would be barely 30" square, but it laid out beautifully.

So, now it's onward with the baby sweater. I decided not to start the baptismal shawl until I have a bit more of the sweater done. Of course, you know what that means....PROBLEM!!

I've got about 2-2 1/2" of the sweater done, and I'm troubled by the the garter stitch section along the bottom. It insists upon rolling up! I have two chants running through my head.

Chant #1 - Blocking will fix that roll.

Chant #2 - If you think it's hinky when you're knitting will be hinky when you finish it..

So, what do you think? Will blocking fix that roll?? Because if it always tends to roll up, it will make me seriously cranky...

(And because I was plagued by indecision about this over the weekend, I did what any sane knitter would do....I cast on a pair of socks!!)

Keep knitting!!
Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)

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