Friday, May 19, 2006

Getting there.....

The excitement is building....last night I got to the point of adding the baby-mohair carry-along yarn for the bottom (top??) border. Just a few more rows.....and the Red Baby Blanket will be off the needles!!! **Pause for party music and cake.....**

Then is it the sherbet colors baby sweater, and the beginning of the Baptismal Shawl. Yes. Lace, teeny yarn, the whole shebang. And as soon as the yarn for the baby sweater is all knit up, I'm going to do socks for my "portable" project. (Which, I assume from all I've read, is not lace. I have to be able to do my "portable" project while carrying on a conversation, teaching a class, cheering at a T-ball game, etc.)

I'm interested in your Morehouse Merino book. It sounds like something I would enjoy reading. I'll have to express that interest at the library - sometimes that is effective..... I know what you mean tho, about not always wanting a complicated project. I love the rhythm of a long row of just knitting or purling....

This weekend is the Fiber Festival at Salomon Farms in Fort Wayne. I think it's the third annual - I went the first year, but last year I was in Wisconsin and missed it. I'm excited about going - haven't seen the gang from the Wooly Knob in a long time, and they'll be there. Just thinking about it has my fingers itching to spin. I have a "loaner" wheel that I haven't tried out yet (it's been collecting dust for quite a while!!) so I may have to get it out. I have a very small stash of roving........

It has finally stopped raining, at least for a day or two they say, so I hope to do some "open the windows and CLEAN" type stuff this weekend also. Of course, Monday morning will arrive and I'll be lucky to have just gotten a little sleep, so being too ambitious probably isn't wise....


Keep knitting!!


  1. Now that I'm farther along with my shawl, I can actually have the tv on while I'm knitting, though it has to be something like Sesame Street, and definitely not "Numbers". You'll have to let me know how things go for you! Everybody around here seems to be catching the spinning bug, too! The Sow's Ear, one of the LYS, has started offering classes and now sells spindles and wheels. I have to say that I've been tempted, but, repeat after me: I need another hobby like I need a hole in the head. It really intrigues me, though, I think it would put DH's patience with me over the top. Too many irons in the fire right now. Have fun!

  2. UPDATE: During lunch, I was able to finish all but the bind-off row. And I am pleased to report that I will NOT need to start another ball of wool in order to finish this blanket. I did, however, bring the ball of wool with me, just in case. No sense tempting the knitting gods. Hey, just because I don't believe in them doesn't mean they can't smite you for being cocky!!
