Sunday, February 18, 2007


Dear Cynthia (and other friends),

After sitting atop a table next to the recliner for weeks, and in pieces (the sweater that is, not **me**), I finally felt the urge to sew my Murphy sweater together so that I could wear it today. (It's from Knitters issue #80, Fall 2005.) My six year old has been sick since Friday morning, so I checked out gobs of DVD's from the library and relaxed as we watched tv for the past two and a half days. I actually got **tired** of knitting yesterday, though I'm having a hard time believing it I picked up the Murphy and completed all of the "finishing" work. Glad that's over, though worth it, because I really like the sweater. In any case, the sleeves each have a color block on the back of them, which I thought would show up in the photo above, but I guess you'll have to take my word for it. Finally, dh, who was kind enough to take these photos in the bright sunlight we had today, thought you might enjoy this close-up shot of the left sleeve. Live it up!

Have a great week!
Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. Nice job, is that another zipper I spy? And what is the yarn? (I live the color a lot.)

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Beautiful sweater. What pattern and yarn did you use?
    I know that feeling about being tired of knitting. I went for almost a year one time without any knitting. I read a lot of knitting books at the time, but did not pick up my needles or go through my stash. The urge did come back with a vengence! I am know back in the swing of things and have been knitting a lot. I think having our first grandchild last year did the trick lol.
    Stay with it, but do what you need to do for yourself, and if taking a break from knitting is one of them, go for it. It will come back!!!

  3. The sweater suits you nicely!
