Thursday, February 15, 2007

The demise of my "amazing addi TURBO"

Dear Cynthia,

First, I'm so glad that Barb outside of Boston shared her comment about teaching her son to knit, and what a quick study he is! That is so great!! I'm not sure I would have thought it good sense to try to teach my son to knit a sweater, but after reading her comment, I just might get out some needles for him to try, if he is interested... His progress on his scarf has slowed, though he still does work on it periodically. It has taken a back seat to Scooby Doo books...

Progress on Sapporo:This is the front of the sweater. (On the back of the sweater, there is no super giant star.) I love the stripes on this design. That is one of the features which drew me to this sweater. And, compared to the "symmetric about the center" patterning of various star (or flower?) varieties, for which the chart must be consulted as **every single stitch** is worked, stripes are simple and nice and a good contrast. The previous Dale sweater I made (Hardangervidda) was much more complicated by comparison, and also much larger (for my dh), so this one just seems quicker overall... I could use it on a day like today! I think the cold weather has inspired much knitting progress. And, this sweater is at the point in which it is perfect to warm my lap as I work on it in front of the tv.

Last night as I was knitting, I noticed my yarn snagging very badly on one of the joins on my circular needle. Upon closer inspection, I realized that this needle can no longer be used in its current form. Anybody ever have a problem like this which you were able to fix? Anybody ever send a needle like this back to the company? I thought it was "the perfect needle" as is written on the package, until this happened anyway. To be fair, this particular needle has seen a lot of knitting... Anyway, I had another size 4 circular needle on hand and am totally back in business.....

We're going to the library in a little while to replenish the Scooby Doo books. Then, since dh won't be home for dinner, we're going to have French Toast made with French Country Wheat Bread, and pears. Mmmm.... Next time you're in town, remind me to take you over to Clasen's Bakery. They have amazing things there....

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Addis are guaranteed. You should be able to take them back to the store where you purchased them and get a new pair. I snapped the metal part of a size 5(US) once and it was replaced no questions asked. (A few wierd looks, though!)

  2. I've heard of people superglueing circulars that break like that. But, first I'd try to get a replacement from the company.

  3. That is one gorgeous sweater. I may have to get myself a kit one of these days. *hopes she can wait until she starts getting paychecks*

  4. Anonymous7:23 AM

    A few extras about my knitting son
    --I started him off on a scarf, but after a it he just found it too boring.
    --I wish he knitted while waiting at doctor's appts etc., but he only knits while in his PJs while I read for 1/2 - 1 hr a night. The knitting seems to help him both concentrate and calm down.
    --I did the BOs and all finishing on a very simple rectangle sweater with sleeves picked up and knitted down to the wrists.

    And what did you do to your poor Addis? -grin- Mine have been through a lot (although I(&son) have done quite a number on our Denise--the KnitPicks Options are holding up much better).

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. (the addi). ;-)

  6. Addis are definitely replaceable. They are gauaranteed for life. You should be able to exchange them at the store or at least contact the distributor.

    I'm knitting Sapporo on the same brand needles (Addi 40" Size 3 circulars and dpns). I have the body completed to the join, the first sleeve completed and am about 1/3 through the 2nd sleeve. I've got pictures on my blog also.

    I really like the way it's turning out and am finding it much faster than I expected.
