Sunday, September 17, 2006

Loose Ends

Dear Cynthia,

Do you think that the term "loose ends" might have originated with a knitter?

I've had so many projects in the "almost done" state, and it's game time, so I must now get a few things completed.

Here is the Foulard in its little pouch, made by sewing two smallish pieces of polar fleece (one of them square, and the other the same size square but having a trapezoidal extension) together for the bag part, and leaving the trapezoid part to tuck into the pouch, securing the Foulard inside. This will be taken to the post office the first thing tomorrow morning, so that there is a chance it might arrive at its destination no later than Wednesday, the birthday of my mom-in-law.

I was so thankful for all of the VERY helpful suggestions regarding the needle felting on the black bag. I decided that I'm going to put needle felting on both sides of the bag. Here is the first side, with everything firmly in place so that now it won't be easy to remove. On the other side, I'm going to go with one really big flower, no stems (why didn't I think of that?), and the same colors as those on the first side.

Here is the other bag, which still needs a purchased handle. I just got done felting it in the washer, and hopefully by Tuesday it will be dry so that I may put some needle felting on this one, as well......possibly a butterfly (which I also hadn't thought of -- what we don't get in "quantity" of comments I think we make up for in "quality", and I really appreciated everybody's thoughts regarding this project), and possibly some mittens (your idea, which I also loved). It's hard for me to tell what is going to really work until I try something. That's why I like to just lightly tack things down as I'm working on a new design, so that it is easy to peel off.

Then there is my secret project, too, which must be completed by the end of this month. I'm getting close, and the deadline is within reach, but this hobby is starting to put **pressure** on me, and I'll be glad for time to knit something more mindless when these few projects are out of the way. It's all good, though -- it's still knitting, right?!!

Have a great week! I LOVE Autumn!!!!

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. Oh,I really like the bigger, bolder revised pattern on the felted purse!

  2. I love the final design for the front of the purse - great job!

  3. Gorgeous pattern! It's so wild and bold and colorful. Fantastic!

  4. Wonderful final version on the flowers.
