Monday, April 17, 2006

Some new-to-me things

Dear Cynthia,

I have "Folk Knitting in Estonia" currently checked out of the library, so I am on a deadline to get a pair of mittens done, so that I may try out a couple of nice new techniques by making the mittens, then return the book to the library before its due date less than four weeks from now.

I'm working from the directions for "Sander's Mittens", though I also considered "Kristi's Mittens", which have a similar cuff treatment.
First big decision: Make the mittens which are written up in a child's size. They take less time, and I'll still get me all the good learnin'.

What learnin' you ask? Well, I now know that the "continental cast on" is the same thing as the "sling shot cast on", also known as the "long tail cast on". I also did a "crossover join", which seems to have worked extremely well at hiding the little jagged edge which otherwise must be modified when weaving in the tail from the cast on.

I have no children who will be able to wear these small mittens.
Second big decision: Make a long I-cord to connect the two cute little mittens, and hang them on my front door as a decoration during winter.

I cast on really loosely, as I typically do, except with this cuff pattern, it looks really, really loose.
Third big decision: What cute ruffles on the beginning of the cuffs.

I accidently did only three rows of each color instead of four.
Fourth big decision: Hey, the little mittens will take even less time to make.

It's sort of fun to use size zero needles, except I just keep dropping one. It's as though my fingers aren't programmed yet to hold such a skinny needle without it slipping through them. Anyway, progress isn't at a lightning pace, so I feel pretty good about my first "big decision"...

Your parents look great! I'm glad you were able to have a lot of nice family time, and also squeeze in a little bit of knitting, too! And, congrats on getting your taxes finished SO EARLY!

I'm glad to hear you're proceeding with your level one swatches! I know you won't have any problems with them! I was thinking I might try to get going on level two this summer, but there are so many other things I want to knit, first, so maybe more towards fall. But, you're right about not waiting until other projects are all out of the way, because that never happens. Hmmm..... I'll have to think about that.

Well, my eyes are straining from looking at these tiny stitches, so I might just close them for a few minutes while my dear son is in quiet time. Just for a few minutes, though. Then it's back to re-claiming some counter space in the kitchen...

Warm regards,
Laura (aka YarnThrower)


  1. I love your mini-mittens!

    I have to ask, in perusing blogs, comments, email and chat, I see lots of promises to clean toilets.....but no report.

    Clean? No??


  2. LOL, Designated!
    We have three toilets. Two are clean. The other one is harboring enough antigens so that the immune systems of my children are being sensitized. The theory is that my kids will be sick less frequently than if my toilets were always all clean. Not sure why I'm always soooo focussed on the toilets... I think it is because I very much dislike cleaning them, and since I don't like to use harsh chemicals, I have difficulty getting rid of the lime ring around the water line.
