Monday, April 17, 2006

Back to Normal....

or whatever passes for normal around here!

Dear Laura:

It was a crazy week all around, but in a good way. My parents came home from Kentucky last Saturday, in time for Palm Sunday and will leave again this morning. (Note Mom's cool Easter dress! She wanted a picture to see if she likes the hem or not. Sshhh, don't tell her I posted it on the internet!)

I love having them around (Mom cooks!! Dad fixes stuff!!) and it's also fun to have my siblings and their families stopping by more often......BUT I never seem to get much done while they're here. Seems I never got to sit down in my chair until 1/2 hour before bedtime and then I was too pooped to knit or blog or anything I would normally do.....

...and don't start me on the evils of Daylight Savings time. It just seemed to throw everything out of whack. After finally seeing a hint of light in the morning, I'm getting up in full dark again and it's harder somehow to go to bed when it hasn't been dark for very long. (I don't think anyone saw me snoozing at my desk last week!)

Since I was being such a slug, I haven't told you how much I enjoyed seeing your progress! I have a bad case of Sock Envy... those are so cool and there are TWO of them!! WOW!! AND you scored Cascade 220, which is one of my all-time favorite yarns. That and Brown Sheep Lambs Pride are my "go-to yarns" for anything in that approximate gauge.

I do remember when you declared that you would only knit will size 8 or larger needles! I'm not going to give you grief over it tho, as I suppose you remember when I declared..."I just don't DO any craft projects anymore" a scant 2 hours before my first visit to an actual yarn store.....

I did get to the fourth ball of yarn on the baby blanket when I went to a hockey game Saturday night. I had hoped to get more knitting done over the weekend, but I helped my Dad clean out his garage Saturday which was good, but used up all of my "discretionary time!" Anyway, the blanket is going well - in the home stretch! I'm not quite sure if I'll hit 30" at the end of this ball or if I'll need to break into a fifth.

I also got some knitting done while getting ready for Easter dinner, which I'm pretty proud of! I went with my brothers and their families to the Sunrise Service, and went I got home Mom & Dad had gone to a later service. One of my nieces rode home with me and helped with the potato peeling and such, so I got all of the food prep done and started some things cooking. Then, since I was kind of tied to the stove in my kitchen, I wasn't available for the usual madness surrounding the table/chairs/table setting/beverage preparation stuff that was going on upstairs. I brought a chair into the kitchen and knit some rows on my SockapalOOOza sock between stirring the pots. Then when everything was ready I just carried it upstairs and I had missed the part of the gathering that I don't enjoy! Plus - knitting!!

And after cleanup and some visiting (otherwise known as knitting time) I had a brief nap and then finished my Easter celebration with did my taxes. I usually don't like to do them so early, but I have a Knitting Guild meeting tonight, so I pretty much had to...

Lately, when I was searching for something, I found my course materials for the Master Knitter program. I thought about it, and decided if I continue to wait until I'm caught up with my dead-line knitting...(I'll pause so you can compose yourself from hysterical laughter)..ok, I decided that if I wait until I have time to work on it, it will never happen. So, I'm reserving one hour each Tuesday evening to work on my swatches. I have most of a ball of a cream color Cascade 220, and so tomorrow evening I will begin!

I trust that your celebration of the Great Feast of Victory was filled with joy, as was ours! Christ is Risen!

Keep knitting.....

1 comment:

  1. What's this master knitter thing now? A swatch award????
