Tuesday, April 19, 2011

All Done!

Greetings, and Dear Cynthia,

Well, life has been a blur for the past 12 weeks. I was affiliated with an outpatient neuro PT clinic, and it was really a great experience for me. We saw lots of patients with dizziness, some folks who were post stroke, some post traumatic brain injury, some with Parkinson's disease, etc. Very interesting! With that now behind me, I have a few weeks to catch my breath, and also catch up with other things I've been neglecting (the list is long). I *did* actually finish the red sweater. Recall that this is the *third attempt* at using this yarn after ripping out two other versions of sweaters prior to this. Introducing my new favorite sweater:
The pattern is "Twist" by Chic Knits, and I love it. The photos aren't that great, taken outside with hopes of better lighting, but because the weather is...well, don't get me started on the weather. Today temps are hovering around 32 degrees, and we had snow falling for much of the morning. It just doesn't seem right for April 19th...
In other news, last Friday I met all of the requirements for my degree in Physical Therapy. This has been a long haul, and all day Friday I just couldn't stop smiling. I still have to take a national board exam, and there's the whole *job* thing, but it feels really good to have the degree piece of this wrapped up!

That's the big news! I've got other knitting on the needles, including a sweater project I've started for Christmas. (What?!) Yep, I'm actually knitting a Christmas sweater and started it *before November,* a new strategy for me :-) More on that later!

I hope this finds you having a great day!

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. Oh I LOVE the sweater!!!!! Really beautiful, and the buttons are amazing too! They go great together and it looks great on you! Nice work!

  2. Laura, congratulations on your HUGE achievements (red sweater, PT school, among others)! I am eager to hear or read what's next for you. Does it include a...carnival?! Caryn

  3. Congratulations Laura!! What a big deal. The weather is so bad all over, but look at the beautiful sweater you have to wear in the chill!
    Life is good!
