Saturday, June 05, 2010

Attention Deficit

Greetings, and Dear Cynthia,

Just wondering how your socks are coming along... The photos of them are incredible, and I think you *should* make two of them so that you can wear them. They will be amazing! Also, perhaps after you and Lauren finish your February Ladies' Sweaters, you can model them together for us?

With classes starting on Monday again, I've been a whirlwind of haphazard activity. One thing different in grad school from undergrad is the fact that so many of my classmates have been getting I've been making dishcloths to be able to give them a "little something" to mark the occasion. These are for Jeannie:
And all wrapped up:
I also got started on the lining for the Sweet Harmony Tote, though had to carefully rip out a little bit as I installed the first interior pocket zipper. I'm happy with the finished product here, but after this part was done, I set things aside to do the other pocket zipper on a different day:
And, the weather was downright chilly here yesterday morning, so I mustered all of my "finishing energy," which you know I hate, to get one sleeve sewn into my Two Hearts sweater. It took FOREVER, because I am soooo picky about the finishing, so once this was done, the weather was warmer again and I set the thing aside again... Really, one of these days it will be done:
And finally, I missed the Hanami craze of several years ago, but cast on for one now! I'll work on this more after I finish the seafoam scarf, though I wanted to give it my undivided (with no children at home) attention so that I could get it cast on, because the cast on included beads and a new method I wasn't familiar in a couple of days when the seafoam scarf is finished, I'll get going on this for some perfect summer knitting:
Speaking of the seafoam scarf, the ball of yarn has not gotten any smaller since I started knitting with it. I can't explain it, but I think it will go on forever... I'm going to keep knitting on the scarf until I run out of yarn.

We are on day five of no oven/stove, and though I try to generally put healthy meals on the table, we have actually been eating a lot more uncooked fruits and vegetables the past couple of maybe not a bad thing. A repairman is scheduled to be here next Tuesday, and they sent a "part" for the repair, which we received yesterday. However, my own inspection of the problem leads me to believe that though I think this particular part is definitely required for the repair, there will be another part that will have to be ordered... I hope I'm wrong, but I guess we'll see. I've been assured that I will only have to pay one "trip charge" regardless...

Okay, so back to things here. Today I scrubbed and mopped the kitchen floor like it's never been cleaned before, including moving the refrigerator out to get under there, and though it's a small step toward getting this house in order, the little improvements I'm making every day are starting to add up. I know I keep saying this, but after devoting two years to school, it feels so great to have an almost normal life again!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)

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