Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Baby booties

Greetings, and Dear Cynthia,

Your post yesterday was sobering - thank you for alerting us to the opportunity to help out for such a devastating (and far reaching) disease! My heart goes out to those in your family struggling with breast cancer. Strength to all of you!

I thought your comment about us "knowing" the bloggers from the blogs we read without them even "knowing we exist" was quite interesting, too. I'd just like to say, "Hey," to anybody I'm not aware of who might be reading...

One of my friends had a baby, so I made a pair of booties for her new baby:I'm not very happy with the seams in these. It has prompted me to design a pair of booties having no seams. I've got the idea/method in my head; I'll post it once I have one knit.

So, after getting the dreaded "school supplies" yesterday (and we got a late start, because it is dependent on teacher assignments, and we didn't know those until last Friday - interpret this a few items are more difficult (impossible?) to find now) and continuing in my (futile?) efforts to get this house to a lower state of clutter, our plans today are to take my eight year old to the dentist, then visit my friend and her new baby, then a trip to Trader Joe's to stock up on their fish sticks (only one gram of saturated fat per serving) so that I have quick meals in the coming weeks as I start school full time again.

I might be sleep deprived by the time school starts -- first the Olympics, and now the political conventions... I suppose it will be good preparation for late nights studying...

Have a great Tuesday!
Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. Laura,i wanted to write to let you know that I have been reading your blog, am located in Verona, WI, and appreciate the patterns that you have posted.  Also, good for you to go back to school!  I went back to school when my youngest was in kindergarten.  It was hard, but worth it.  I wish, though, that I had continued knitting during that period.  It would have helped with the stress!  Oh well, such is life.  Anyway, I don't know if I would recognize you at the Sow's Ear, but maybe at some point I will and then get the courage up to introduce myself!  Best of luck!Johanna (a/k/a posieknit) 

  2. Oh I love that bootie pattern!!! I hope you enjoyed it too. It has the least ends compared to most bootie patterns it seems... Did you see the "baby chucks" booties I made? those had like 25 ends per bootie! It was nuts. I would be VERY interested in any seamless bootie pattern you came up with. Keep us posted! :-)

  3. Cute booties!

    Oh, the clutter in our house has been really energy-sucking lately. Short of living like monks, I'm not sure what to do. Maybe I can stash it all in Container Store stuff...

  4. I do like those booties, but I know what you mean about not being happy with the seams on some. I've knitted a few pairs like that.

  5. Those booties are to die for! I love that pattern. I just got one in a magazine that look like little black 'mary jane'shoes with white anklets. I can't wait to try them out!

  6. I think the booties are completely adorable, but I'm excited to see what you come up with for a new pattern!

  7. There are many tiny, new babies in need of warm hats, booties and blankets.

  8. I hope you enjoyed it too. It has the least ends compared to most booties patterns it seems.

  9. Oh I love that booties pattern!!! I hope you enjoyed it too. It has the least ends compared to most booties patterns it seems.

  10. I like the chosen color of this pair of boots! Will you do the same but in pink color? I need two pairs for my nephew... To the point, find any the proof-reading.services high school and university writing scholarships to extend your vocabulary if you are not comfortable with your writings yet!
