Monday, July 21, 2008

The shawl grows slowly...

Greetings and Dear Laura:

Wow - this shawl is not moving along with any real speed! We are basically working on our shawls at lunch time. We find an empty conference room, close the door and knit in silence for an hour! Maybe eventually we'll be able to talk and work on this pattern! The slow speed is mostly due to the fact that we been too busy to knit during lunch lately; hopefully this week will be better! I do want to keep track of the progress tho, so here is a current shot.


The main body of the shawl includes a 5-row pattern in which there is 12-stitch repeating section. Each 5 row section adds an additional repeat, from 2 to 3, 3 to 4, etc. I have started the 4-repeat section, but I have to rip back because the left 1/2 of the repeats are off by one stitch! EEK!

While we were knitting last week, Lauren wondered how far along we actually are. 5%? 10%? I told her that's the sort of question I would usually ask of you, Laura - but not now that you're in grad school!


I started the second sock over the weekend. This pattern is too much fun to let languish again! I have the picot hem done and I'm ready to start the lace. I forgot to mention when I posted the first sock that I weighed the sock, and then the remaining yarn. The sock weighs 55 grams. I have 56 grams of yarn left. WHEW!!! Cannot waste an inch on this!

Keep knitting!

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter!)

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