Wednesday, July 23, 2008

PT School week 7, and a little knitting

Greetings, and Dear Cynthia,

WOW -- Week seven! Only two weeks left to go and I'm done with my summer session and will have nine credits of grad school completed. The work load for this week has been the lightest of the summer so far, and having some extra time today, I went to the Sow's Ear for a few minutes to purchase this nice little magazine:Madison knitter/designer/photographer Elizabeth (SABLE) is quite involved in this publication, and if you are interested in checking it out (and don't live in the south-central Wisconsin), check here. (Please pardon my poor photography -- I am being tapped on the shoulder right now because my five-year-old wants to play on the computer for a few minutes before he goes to my time here is limited.)

In dishrag news, I found this little dishrag pattern via a link from Knitting At Lunch. Mine is smaller because I increased to only 45 stitches (instead of 55 as given in the pattern): It is great fun, and a nice variation on the "Grandma's Favorite Dishrag" theme. I think it would have looked much nicer if knit using a solid color. By the way, this is the 14th dishrag knit from the same one-pound cone of "Kitchen Cotton" I purchased a couple of years ago.... I don't have a postal scale, but I'm guessing I have used roughly 80% of the cone?? It seems like it will never end.

Nothing else too exciting going on here. I've been enjoying your posts lately! Too bad about the Cardinals. (Yay Brewers, no offense..... :-)

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. Oh good I am glad you liked that dishcloth pattern!!! Simple yet interesting to knit, isn't it? Oh wow - I forgot to blog that I only increased to 45 stitches also!!!! Great minds think alike, eh? Otherwise it would have been huge.

    Also I still have a dishcloth you knitted for me from that same cotton from awhile ago :-) I can't believe you still have a bunch left!!!

  2. So glad that grad school is going well and that you found some time to get to the LYS and knit up a cloth! That pattern looks like a fun variation - I'll have to try it out! Hope the rest of your summer session goes well!

  3. I love the neverending cone of cotton. The pattern is really nice, but I agree, a solid would be better. The black and white is really cool, though.

    Glad you're almost done with summer session!

  4. Thanks for the plug!

    Glad to hear that school is going well. Maybe next summer you can come to Alt Knitting and Gourmet S'mores Camp with us?!?

  5. Yay! The end is in sight - for this semester, anyway. Now I'm getting the urge to knit dishcloths - that one is a neat variation.
