Monday, July 28, 2008

Casting on.....

Greetings and Dear Laura:

Let's see, this should be the last week of your session, right? That probably means finals and such, so you are probably swamped!

Things have quieted down a bit around here. I'm having company for dinner tonight, but other than that my week looks fairly calm. I heard a rumor that my nephew makes a great beer-battered catfish, so he & his wife and by brother & sil are coming over. I'll supply the fish, but he's the cook!

Somehow over the weekend, it seemed like I needed to cast on a new project. To be fair, I did finish Kate, and it always feels like you should cast on something once you finish something, even if you have several "somethings" still on the needles! Please note that these colors are much brighter in person - I couldn't get the picture to color well. (Didn't want anyone to think I'd lost my color sense!!)

Lizard Ridge Begun

Pattern: Lizard Ridge
Yarn: Noro Kuyeron Color 182
Needles: Size 7
Keep knitting!

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)


  1. Yay you cast on for your lizard ridge!!!!!!! I am so excited to see each square in their unique colors. Can you get a pic of all the blanket yarn together?

  2. Don't feel bad--I have trouble photographing Noro, too :) The colors always look weird. Lizard Ridge is going to be beautiful.
