Sunday, June 22, 2008

Actual knitting, PT School Week Two

Greetings, and Dear Cynthia,

I'm getting into the groove of school. I had a written exam this past week (which went fine) and I am amazed at how much material is being covered in such a short time. This coming week will be my "moment of truth," as I have my first skill assessment and an anatomy test that covers a very huge amount of material.

In the past two weeks, I've knit exactly two rows on Ibenholt. It got me to the point of having completed two pattern repeats. Here's a photo using the flash, and almost true to the actual color:Here is a photo taken *without* the flash, so the cables seem to pop a little bit better:This is the back of the sweater, and the moss stitch sections on the left and right sides of the photo are in the underarm area...

In other news, I found this picture laying on the kitchen table, so I asked my five year old what it is:He said it's a robot that carries laundry. AWESOME!

Well, tonight I have a ton of memorizing to do, so I'm going to break up the evening into 15 minute chunks. *The first 15 minutes I'll go through all of my flash cards once; the second 15 minutes I'll clean part of the house*; repeat between *'s. If I can keep that up for two hours, things will be in pretty good shape overall.

Have a great week!
Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. Hmmmm, when is the prototype of that robot due to come out?

    Good luck on the upcoming test!

  2. The knitting is gorgeous! And I love, love, LOVE the robot! I want one, too!

  3. Oh, the robot is brilliant! Maybe in a few years he can design and manufacture it :)

    I love the cables. I haven't tried cabling yet, but I love the effect.

  4. Beautiful sweater! I love the color, I love the cables. That's heirloom material.

  5. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Hi, Chem Wizard. I dropped in to make sure you're doing alright, and to look at your knitting. Fun to do both in one stop! When you have a break, give me a ring. I'll come find you for a knit-n-laugh session.

    Warmly, Weston (hee hee)
