Friday, May 23, 2008

Knitting on the Road

Greetings and Dear Laura:

RAILroad, that is!! I'm so excited to be heading your way! I'm all packed and ready to go. (I think. I can't remember if I put my toothbrush in my bag, or back in the drawer.....Oh well, they have Walmart in Wisconsin!)
I do have five and half days away from work, hours of train and bus rides, plus some waiting around between. Can you say "Knitting time!"??? So, I think there should be a little holiday weekend contest. I've got my knitting all packed and ready to go. I am confident that I will not run out of knitting before I return home.

What did I bring? (I'm DesignatedKntr on Ravelry - that will help!)

Leave a comment guessing what I brought. I'll award one point for each correct guess. And you can earn a bonus point by guessing which (if any!) come home completed. The winner will receive 1 skeins (enough for socks!) of Knitivity Hand-Dyed Merino Paisley Collection in the Brown colorway.
Here's a Ravelry link to view the prize.

Keep knitting!
Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)


  1. Ooooh a contest!!! OK i am definitely gotta try. I think you will bring...

    1. Toe Up Magic Loop Socks... becase you only need like 2 more inches and they are DONE! These I will also say you will come back with finished for SURE.
    2. Blankie buddy or something similar for Beata (will be brought back completed)
    3. Possibly the ladybug sweater (get goin on that woman! haha) I will not say this comes back completed.
    4. fetching hat... i see this in your project list.. it would be a nice portable knit for your trip, so ill say it would come back completed.
    5. Embossed leaves socks. I was going to say "another pair of socks for yourself", but i forgot you had this pair started. These might not come back completed.

  2. I haven't been on a railroad in ages -- decades in fact!

    Have a great trip.

    Hmmm...what did you bring?
    1.Green Socks and
    2.Toe Up Magic Loop Socks because sock knitting is easy to pack.
    3.Ice Fishing Vest because it sounds a little intimidating and it is most gratifying to knit such things with a fellow knitter.

  3. Ok, I'm guessing the toe up magic loop and a blanket buddy. And I'm guessing that they will both come home finished. Have fun with Laura.
