Monday, April 07, 2008

Signs of Spring

Greetings and Dear Laura:
Oh, I'm so glad to hear of the outcome of your local election. It's great that you are part of making the system work!! Hats off to you!
We had our loveliest weekend of the year so far, and I was bitten by some "spring bug!" I've really been noticing how dusty and closed-in my apartment has gotten over the winter, and so I made a run at some spring cleaning this weekend. I had ambitious hopes of getting it all done, but in the end I was happy just to get through one room.
I moved all the furniture around in the living room, washed down everything in sight, and vacuumed up all the dead bugs. Of course, 2 hours later I could see new bugs heading for the baseboards to die. It is the time of year when I'm always checking to see if I have yarn scraps on the floor, or bugs. Pretty soon those little fingering-weight crawlers will be out!
And here's what Purl was doing while I was working! She's obviously my dog - she takes her napping very seriously and puts a full effort into it!
IMG_4185.JPG IMG_4184.JPG
I did make some progress on the two-at-a-time-toe-up-magic-loop socks - only another inch to go until I start the heels. I also started a swatch of some Puffin yarn that I found recently. I think I'll just turn it into a soft face cloth for a baby, since I just grabbed one skein to try.

I also have a bit of "knitter creativity" to share. My cell phone is a Treo 755p, which I really love. It has a touch-screen, and comes with a stylus that fits into the back. I use that a lot for selecting numbers (and playing games!) A couple of weeks ago I lost the stylus, and didn't really have time to hunt one down in a store or online. Guess what! A Brittany Cable Needle works just as well, and even fits into the slot for the stylus. Plus, I always have a cable needle...just in case!

The very BEST part of the weekend was crawling into bed last night - a bed freshly made with sheets and blankets that spent the day hanging on the clothesline. I love that smell!!
Keep knitting!
Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)

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