Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Red & White socks

Greetings and Dear Cynthia,

The boys are all agog because it is Aprils Fools Day today. Both of them couldn't find their shoes when it was time to leave for the bus this morning. They were giggling the whole time, though, so I knew the shoes had just been "cleverly hidden"...

I've been cruising right along on my red and white socks. (Bonus that knitting one pair of socks is on my Mission Possible:2008 list, so these count toward my 12 projects...) I thought they'd be nice to work on during all of the NCAA basketball tournament games the Badgers were going to be playing in (because, of course, our colors are "Cardinal and White", and also because the Badgers were going to keep on winning). Then, when the Badgers got beat by Davidson (a school having 1700 students), I noticed that Davidson's colors were similar, so I thought I'd root for Davidson as I worked on the socks. Then, Davidson (Cinderella) got knocked out of the tournament, so now I guess I'll go along with what dh and the boys have been saying about the socks all along -- Dr. Seuss:I continue to be amazed by how much knitting is accomplished while I watch a few games, or tv shows, or sit on the sidelines during swimming and piano lessons.... So glad I have knitting to put that "idle time" to use...

These socks had a bit of a rocky beginning. I started them on US2 needles and got an entire foot done from the toe to just past the heel, when I determined that the fabric wasn't dense enough. So, I thought I'd try US1 needles, and the closest LYS to my home didn't have size 1 in the Addi Turbo, so I settled for Crystal Palace:
You might notice in the photo that these needles have a metal sleeve which covers the "join" of the cable to the wood. As I was working my Turkish Cast On and then the toe, every single stitch was getting caught on that metal sleeve, so I took the needle back to the store, and they returned my money without any trouble once I explained the issue. Then I drove across town to get an Addi Turbo...

TODAY is election day! I've had an e-mail exchange or two with the incumbent during the past few days -- I just couldn't let the falsehoods he shared in a newspaper article go without at least a "discussion" about them. Ultimately, I suggested that he and I "agree to disagree", and I am okay with that. (The "good guy" just has to WIN today! :-) In another newspaper article, the incumbent was quoted as saying, "I've actually heard from one of [my opponent's] supporters that there is a perception, right or wrong, that I don't listen to the people in my district and that I'm not approachable......That's something I'd like to try to dispel." I'm not certain that the constituent mentioned in the article is me, though I did share similar words to these when the incumbent stopped by my door campaigning a couple of weeks ago, and I'm encouraged that he might be digesting the idea. And also, now when we see each other on the street, we wave to each other...though I still firmly believe he is the lesser man for the job.

In any case, all of this proves that part of my brother's "Golden Retriever theory" works. His basic premise is that when we interact with people, we're putting things "out there", and it is best to have **no expectations** about how others will respond. That way, if nothing is absorbed, or a friendship doesn't arise out it, or whatever, you don't have to be disappointed or angry or feel snubbed -- because you didn't expect anything, anyway. HOWEVER, sometimes others respond favorably to our interactions/gestures, and that is such a nice and welcome surprise... Sort of like a Golden Retriever, who is full of energy and spunk and just happily runs over to people to get some attention, and if the people decide to pat the dog, that is a bonus, but if the people don't decide to pat the dog, he doesn't get mad, but just moves on and tries again with a different person, etc.... Does any of this make sense? I think I've crossed the line into rambling, so I'll close...

Have a great day!

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. It does make sense:-) Well put.
    I like your socks! Yes, there IS a lot of idle time to knit- if only I remember to bring my knitting...

  2. I love the Golden Retriever approach. Good luck with today's election! If nothing else, at least you got the incumbent thinking.

  3. I think you should write up your Golden Retriever theory into a self-help book. You could make millions :) Wag Your Tail: Relationships Without Expectations or something! I loved it.

    Good luck to your candidate. I hope to hear soon that he's the new incumbent :)

    Love the red socks! I have tried Crystal Palace circs and have not been pleased with the joins in general. Glad you found substitutes.

  4. The "Golden Retriever" theory is great. I'm going to try to hold onto that.
    (Though I've still got my fingers crossed for your guy to win.)

  5. Love the golden Retreiver Theory! And I love the Seusical socks! Just in time for Horton Hears a Who!

  6. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Congrats, Laura!
    Your guy = 380
    Incumbent jerk = 123
    Hard work and honesty do pay off!
