Friday, April 25, 2008

Not going to make my goal...

Greetings and Dear Cynthia,

With slight ambivalence, I share with you that my initial strategy for working this pair of socks, using magic loop and knitting both socks at the same time, is not going to work. In spite of not being particularly fond of the method, I was going to at least prove to myself that I could do it. Here is what I have so far:It is a set of two toes and feet, almost to the point at which I must begin thinking about knitting the heels. You might remember that I knit my short row heels using 60% of the stitches -- otherwise the socks are way too tight. My quandary (which I thought was spelled "quandry," by the way, until I spell checked...): Is there a way to get 60% of the stitches onto one "leg" of the magic loop without completely removing one of the socks from the needle? I'm thinking it might be time to break out the dpn's... Of course, I'm sort of a "toe-up rookie", so any thoughts you might have on the matter would be very much appreciated!

I continue with "skirt fest," finishing up another skirt out of stash leftover fabrics this morning. The lighting is very poor -- it is quite gloomy outside (just had a thunderstorm), but this should give you an idea of the thing. Instead of gathers, this one has "flounces." I love flounces! I call it "casual with a bit of funk." I also call it "getting something from nothing."

Tomorrow, I regret I'm not going to be attending "last Saturday knitting." We're going to spend a good portion of the day in Milwaukee...

Tomorrow is also the annual Crazy Legs run, an event which raises money for the UW athletic department. It's not my favorite "charity", though it is a fun event and I participated in it last year. This year I didn't sign up, because we're going to be in Milwaukee. However, I received TWO e-mail notices yesterday about it being time for me to go pick up my race packet. Between that and the phone call I received this past week about voting for Hillary in Pennsylvania, I'm beginning to wonder how my name is finding its way onto these "lists." Perhaps winning the lottery without purchasing a ticket will be next?

Well, back to work.
Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. We'll miss you at "Last Saturday". Have a good trip to Milwaukee.

  2. I love these "something from nothing" skirts. So resourceful!

    This weather is something else, isn't it?

    Hope you have a great time in Milwaukee tomorrow. We'll miss you, but we'll save a spot for you in May.

  3. I adore your skirts! So creative.

    I hope the socks work out, one way or another. I have yet to attempt socks on any kind of circ, so I can't help. I started with dpns, and I'm intrigued by circs for socks, but I haven't gotten there yet. At least I'm doing toe-up now :)

  4. Oh! I haven't forgotten the Cooking Light article I promised you, just haven't figured out my scanner yet. If I haven't already sent you there, I wanted to suggest for interesting whole grains/fruits and veggies in recipes.

  5. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Hi: Not to butt in on your conversation with Cynthia, but yes, you can readjust the stitches without taking the socks entirely off. Use safety pins or some other type of temporary stitch holder to hold them after working them, work around the other side of the sock and pick them up when you come to them on the other side -- e-mail me if you need more details. I think I found the info when I was researching readjusting the loop to do a traditional heel flap two at a time but, of course, I can't remember where.

  6. Keep us posted on the two socks at a time dealie. I've been toying with the idea of starting them but the thought kind of terrifies me....and not in a good way. I'm a double point top down girl!
