Tuesday, March 11, 2008

One possible, anyway.....

Greetings and Dear Laura:

Well, we've had a stretch of almost a week without a significant "snow event" and we're predicted to spend the next week in the 40-50 degree range, so it feels like progress! (Although not seeing the sun in the morning before descending into my basement office certainly doesn't seem like progress!!) While I'm sure we've not come close to you in total snowfall, we have had snow on the ground for much of this winter season, and we usually saw between 4-7" every week or two. Our winter, however, has been characterized by a cycle of "snow, rain/melt/flood, snow." It's that middle muddy-rainy-floody thing that got old!

Beata's blanket

I've been working right along on my mission possible, and I've finished my first project - the yellow baby blanket. (Ravelry link here.) Blocking this had an amazing result - off the needles it was 22" x 28". I was hoping to block to 32" long, and was surprised to get 32" square! I really enjoyed this knit - I love the Heirloom Breeze, especially for baby blankets. It's soft, and washable, and a joy to knit with. I blocked it as soon as I cast off, so I can truly consider it a finished object!

And now I'm on to my second Mission Possible, my
red socks. I am frankly to the point in knitting these where it's only sheer determination that makes me touch them! After knitting the first heel 4 or 5 times before I was satisfied, I thought the second one would go more smoothly (what with all that experience to draw on.) HA! I know that it was at least the 5th go on that second heel, and the only reason I'm not ripping it back out is that I no longer really care if it's a nice heel - just that it's a heel.


Lumpy and holey, but it's a heel. I will conquer short row heels on another pair of socks, a pair that I'm not so fed up with. Honest. (Do you suppose they'll have a class in short-row heels at Stitches this year? Isn't it about time for the class list to come out?)

So, that's what's going on in my little knitting world - hope you are having a good (and springlike?) week!

Keep knitting!

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter!)

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