Monday, February 04, 2008

Winter winter winter winter winter winter winter.....

Greetings, and Dear Cynthia,When I was a kid, we had winters like the one we're having this year all the time. Of course, that's probably not true, because whenever I've toured around my childhood neighborhood, it is quite clear that my childhood perspective was a little bit, er, flawed..... However, this winter is exactly how I remember my childhood winters -- a covering of snow from November/December until March, and lots of cold. Our snowfall for the year is way above the norm, and we just keep getting more! In fact, on Saturday, when the weathermen were predicting no appreciable accumulation, we got a few inches. Very pretty looking out the window from my knitting perch in our living room...

In any case, my seven year old has been running a fever since Friday night, so during the weekend, I basically didn't leave the building (except for a trip to the gym early on Saturday morning). He likes having me nearby, to keep him "company", so this has allowed me a lot of knitting time. I'm currently working on the yoke of my Tangled Yoke Cardigan.
Today, he is still home with a fever. However, I'm going to try to start on another house project. Here is the "lovely" vanity in our main bathroom. It has toothpaste accents on it right now, some pealing paint, and an *interesting* set of hardware which I would describe more as a "variation on a theme" rather than "matching". Today is the day I'm going to disassemble the doors from the cabinet and begin cleaning, plugging holes from prior hardware, priming, painting, and installing hardware from this decade which is the *same* on all four doors...

Finally, in the "just how old am I?" category, I was at Borders a few days ago, looking for a Dan Fogelberg CD, and the young man helping me out first asked me to say the name again, then asked for a spelling of the name, then wanted to know if the first name was, indeed, Dan, then confirmed that I was looking for music, because he was expecting to find a book... As Charlie Brown so eloquently puts things, "AAUGH!"

Okay, so time to check on my little sick child, and then hopefully get to work here...

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. Wow, you've gone right to town on the cardi -- looks great! I can't wait to see the yolk progress! Good luck with the vanity project -- I'm also looking forward to pics of that when it's done.

    Lastly, but certainly not least, I hope the little one is feeling better. Poor guy. :(

  2. Best wishes with the home improvement project! And I do hope your little one is better soon. I think we are finally in the clear here for a while, but January was rough.

    My husband Rick plays in two cover bands, mostly in taverns (bars with dining tables & full menus) and some outdoor venues. The seventies and eighties songs are always hits with the crowds.

    The pictures of the tangled yoke make it look like an intriguing pattern. I look forward to seeing yours when completed.

  3. At least the vanity top is perfectly fine looking. Once you get those doors spruced up, it'll feel like a whole new vanity.

    The cardigan is coming right along! When my little guy is sick, he wants me near, too, but then, if I try to actually do something (like knit) he climbs on me to make sure he's the center of my universe. Thankfully, the older one is old enough to stay in bed and read or doze when he's sick.

  4. That sounds like a big project! You're brave! Did you know that Dan F. passed away this past summer or fall? Cancer! He was living in Maine. So sad.
    Hope your little feller is doing better!

  5. Funny thing about childhoodmemories! We also used to have snow-a lot of snow-all winter. Now it is barely covering the groun...
    The cardigan looks great.
    Hope your little one is feeling better soon:-)

  6. And more snow tonight! I have to keep reminding myself that this is what winter is "really" like.
    Hope your little guy feels better.

  7. Hope your little guy gets well soon!

    Oh fun, bathroom projects! My DF(Fiance) definitely loves those :) I help out occasionally. I am sure the doors will look great when you're done!
