Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A case for clean finishing...

Greetings and Dear Cynthia,

The sweater I made for dh for Christmas fits him extremely well -- better than I could have hoped. Here is a photo of him wearing the sweater:Note that he has it on "inside out". I discovered this as I gazed at him from across the room at a New Years Eve party the other night. Immediately after I noticed, I walked all the way around him to make sure that there were no little ends poking out. There are small seams in the armpits which would reveal the "inside out-ness" to a trained eye, though for the most part, the sweater works fine as "reverse stockinette". To his credit, the "vee" part of the "vee neck" is in the front... This might be a case for "grrrranimals" for men, or at least warrant me sewing a tag into the inside back of the neckline for "sweater orientation" purposes...

Now I'm working on SuperNova from Interweave Knits Fall 2006... This sweater has eleven parts to it which must be sewn together -- I have seven of those parts completed and have started the tricky task of piecing the circles into the front, though am back at square zero again having ripped out the seam for the first circle I sewed in... I'm not sure I'm happy with the first sleeve I sewed in, either... I added waist shaping. I think the schematics have some errors in the dimensions. The circles are supposed to be four inches across per the sketch, but I think they'll fit in much better if they are six inches across, and a six inch diameter seems to actually make more sense with the other dimensions of the sweater. I sent an e-mail about it to Interweave months ago, but no I'm just plowing forward with what makes the most sense to me...

My seven year old wants me to teach him how to knit. I thought I'd start out by casting on to make a teddy bear sweater in the round, and let him get the hang of stockinette stitch for the body of the bear sweater, then go from there. (Actually, I first thought about having him knit a scarf, but we have so many of those around here right now, and I'm not sure he's going to have the staying power for that...) Anyway, I'm sure **I'll** learn something from the experience, if nothing else...

Oh, and do you know anybody who might want to purchase my used chemistry book? I've listed it on eBay... It is five pounds! (I **thought** my backpack seemed rather heavy this past semester....)
Well, very cold day here today, just above zero right now. We're going to the gym (they have a kids' gym for the boys to get some exercise while I am running on the treadmill) and then grocery shopping... Have a great day!

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. "Grranimals for men" lol! It fits him beautifully, though.

    I'll be eager to see the finished SuperNova.

  2. His sweater looks terrific.

    My husband can never figure out the front on anything. I have often though I should add tags for that purpose, but he also takes tags out of clothes, because he's super-itch prone. Maybe I should sew in a little bit of tag like what gets left when you cut one out without unpicking the thread holding it in.

  3. I love the sweater...and the bit about Grranimals for men! It's so true!!!

  4. LOL I think its just amazing you made a sweater that was as pretty on the inside as on the outside... i would think any sweater I made it would be OBVIOUS which side is the inside ;-)

  5. I'm super impressed that you made a sweater that was difficult to tell the inside from the outside. Like Lauren, I'm very sure that anyone would be able to tell the difference had I made it!!

    It looks great! One of these days I'll force myself to get over my sweater anxiety... You're a great inspiration for that!!
