Monday, October 15, 2007

Stash lost. Stash found. Stash lost.

Greetings and Dear Laura:

I must be losing my mind. I'm sure as heck losing my yarn.....

Four years ago, I ordered
Heirloom Breeze yarn from Ozeyarn. I ordered 4 bags. I think. One in cream, one in yellow, one in red and one in blue. 10 balls is enough to do a baby blanket. I had already made 2 blankets with this yarn and really loved it. It's a stretchy wool/cotton blend that tolerates the washer and dryer, and the two moms who had these blankets really liked them.

My niece Amanda was expecting, and blue and/or red was going to work with the nursery she planned. And since Cass Street wasn't carrying the yarn anymore, I ordered yellow and white to have on hand.

So. Four blankets worth. I never got around to knitting a blanket for Amanda's baby Grace. Just ran out of time. I had the yarn in a plastic tote when I moved - it was in storage upstairs at mom & dad's. Then I went to knit a baby blanket...and I couldn't find that tote. Or the tote with the Cascade 220 leftovers and the 2-sweaters-worth of Classic Elite Tweed. I hunted everywhere. Went through every box and tote upstairs (found a lot of OTHER yarn I'd forgotten about!) went through my closets, my yarn dresser....nothing.

I looked again when it was time to have the stash sale and start cataloging my stash. Same result. I was just SURE that I hadn't knit 4 baby blankets and forgotten about it, but I finally gave up.

Last week we had a contractor over to remove a wall from between my parents living room and family room. While it was all torn up, I wanted a second cable run from the satellite down through my hall closet and out by the tv. In order to do this, I had to empty the hall closet.

You can see where this is going - I found the tote with the Breeze yarn!! I was SO excited - I want to do a blanket for a baby due in January. I'd been looking at yarn, but it was really bugging me to think of buying yarn for a baby blanket when I knew I had all that Breeze. I photographed a ball in each color to post to Ravelry, then grabbed the red and blue to start swatching.

I think. Somehow this gets messed up. I have a bag with 2 balls of blue and 7 of red. But I was SURE that I also had a bag with the other 8 of blue and a couple of loose balls of red in that tote as well. However. I CAN'T FIND THEM!!!!!! I've torn the closet mostly apart again, I've looked in all my other yarn's not pretty.


1. I've lost my mind and there was always only this bag of red/blue mix. Maybe I didn't order a full bag of each color. But if I was only going to order one blanket's worth - I would have ordered more than 2 balls of blue to 7 red....and why do I think I saw a bag of mostly blue just a week ago?????

2. I did take a big stack of empty boxes to the dumpster last week - did that bag get in one of them somehow? But the boxes were in the hallway, and I certainly didn't put any yarn in the hall. (This one keeps me up at night anyway. Yarn in the dumpster??? The horror...)

3. It's still in the house somewhere.

I don't know. But I need to get started on that blanket, and 2 balls of blue isn't enough. And blue/white is the color combo she'd like. Oy.

In other news, I'm on a bit of a hat jag. Amanda is having her 3rd child, scheduled for October 29th. When asked what she would like for me to knit for this baby, she requested hats. She had a hard time finding hats for Lydia, and would like several for this baby.

So far I have a "girl hat" from
Louisa Harding Kimono Angora that just needs a little flower detail. (I have enough yarn to make another of these, so that's a nice portable project to have in my "baby gift stash.)


Fetching Inspired Hat made from Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino. This yarn is the leftover from Grace's Christening gown, so the new baby will have a matching hat. (I also still have enough yarn for another of these!)


A Bobble Hat that I made from some
Lorna's Laces Shepherd Worsted in Rainbow. (Oh I had me some serious love for that colorway. I had several skeins of it in fingering, and hated everything I tried. I have maybe 5 or 6 skeins in Worsted - and it's truly ugly no matter what I do. I have a mitten and a half knitted plus an adult hat and 4 balls, plus this baby hat. This yarn will haunt me for the rest of my life!!!!!!!!!!) I got a little goofy with the pom-pom I-cord thing....


and now I'm working on a Cable Brim Hat (baby-hat-as-swatch, I'm making it up as I go!) out of
Cascade Cash Vero.


Whew. That's going to be it for now - there's plenty going on, but that's a brief recap. (Get it - hats - reCAP....oh, nevermind....)

Keep knitting!

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)


  1. Don't you hate it when the yarn hides from you like that? Drives me nuts. The older I get, the better it seems to hide.

  2. I don't have enough stash to have losses yet. So I'm still working toward that benchmark I guess!

    I love the white hat in baby cashmerino. And your handiwork makes it look its best.
