Sunday, September 30, 2007

Little things

Greetings, and Dear Cynthia,

Lots of little stuff to talk about today...

Chemistry Two is going well, and I really am enjoying the class. It's nice to get "credit" for doing experiments, because without the labs for this course, the only chemistry I participate in is the reactions which take place when I clean our toilets, and when I burn our dinners...for which I don't really get credit...

I have done some little knitterly things, too. My seven year old wanted a pair of slippers, so as I was touring a yarn store in town (a place I'd never been before, called Off the Beaten Path), I ran across a basic slipper pattern/kit for half price, and combining the leftover yarn with some Heilo from my stash, I'll easily be able to make a pair of slippers for my five year old, too. My seven year old says they are really comfy... It's nice he didn't use the word "itchy" anywhere in his description of them -- a concern I always have when I knit for him...

I've had this felted purse for a few years, as it's one of the very first felting projects I made. I was using stuff exclusively from my stash, so I originally used white 1/4 inch wide elastic and a wood button I had on hand. This past week, however, I was at the fabric store, and I decided to see if there was a way to give this bag a little more pizzazz, so I found some round, black elastic (which is less obnoxiously visible), and a fun button, and it has made all of the difference. Not too exciting in the grand scope of things, but much more fun for me to carry around now...

I dug out my Sapporo again, and sewed the second sleeve in place (which took me all the way through an entire movie -- I'm very picky and slow about the finishing work), and it is a relief to have that out of the way. Is anybody else wondering if I will ever complete this? Next, I'll pick up stitches for the neckband.

I had to laugh at all of your comments regarding the weather on my last post. I had it wrong, as Mary Lou pointed out -- clearly, if I want the weather to stay warm, then I should put the summer clothes away. It's going to be quite warm again here today (upper 70's F), though the mornings are nice and cool, which I love. Yesterday morning, we went to a corn maze, and as we were going through it, more than once I mentally compared myself to a lab rat searching for the cheese. In spite of that, we had so much fun, and it didn't even seem like six acres...

If you are good at picking out projects given a list of yarn, then check out Allison's blog. She is celebrating her 200th post, and looking for a new project to make with things she already has on hand. There are prizes, including the possibility of baked goods, and if you ever read her blog, then you know what an enticement that is.

Oh, and my last little bit of excitement -- I've been invited to THE PARTY !!!! My name there is just like it is here -- "YarnThrower" -- and I've already made some of you my "friends", so I'll see you there! Of course, I have no time to actually input any of my projects...but now and then I sure am enjoying looking through what everybody else is doing!

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. We missed you yesterday Laura. I hope you'll be able to come in October. Good looking projects. Sapporo is coming along nicely. You don't really have to rush to finish as it's so warm here these days. Of course, one day soon we'll wake up and it will be 40 degrees colder like that (snap!).

  2. Love all of the projects! You've been very productive. Especially like the new jazzy button. I'm still 2,293 folks back when it comes to the velvet rope at the Ravelry Club! I can't even see the bouncer from here!

  3. Holy cow! A yarn store practically in Madison that I've never even heard of... Admittedly I tend to the West stide, but still...

    The new button is a definite boost to the little bag, very cute!

    Sapporo, as always, strikes me dumb with admiration.

  4. Glad things are going so well! I love seeing all your little projects and I'm just so freaking impressed over the Sapporo that it won't matter to me if you finish it -- I'll still be just as impressed!!!!

  5. Welcome to the magic that is ravelry... I already friend-ed you ;-)

  6. Thank you for the advertisement! I'm getting some great suggestions, and I think I'll pick one this weekend.

    I got my ravelry invite recently, too, and already friended you. I don't have time to input anything right now, either, but I've taken a minute or two here and there to poke around, and it's an AMAZING resource.
