Monday, September 03, 2007

Let it snow!

Greetings and Dear Laura:

This year I shared a garden with one of my brothers and his wife. I didn't have any home-canned tomatoes last year, and I really missed them. They said that if I'd help with the garden, we could plant enough to share. We had a big crop of cucumbers, and a few green peppers. Most of the beans died - we are keeping all the rest for seeds. These are our "family heritage beans." And we have tomatoes! Oh my!

The first tomatoes arrived just as I was getting back from Louisville and my dad's surgery. I did can 12 pints that weekend, with help from the Rebellious Pastor's Wife, but I determined that my share from that would be for my mom. I just couldn't get to the next batch at all, so RPW canned them and we got a few quarts from that. So my goal for this weekend was 24 pints of tomatoes and 12 pints of salsa.

Friday we picked (3) 5-gallon buckets of tomatoes for me, and I didn't get to them until Sunday. That's all I did all afternoon and evening - mom helped - and I finished up mixing and canning the salsa this morning.



30 pints of tomatoes (29 sealed) and 15 pints of salsa!!

I've got canned tomatoes and frozen corn, peaches and strawberries. Plenty of wool. I'm ready for winter - bring it on!!

Keep knitting!

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)

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