Monday, August 20, 2007

Remember the Sapporo?

Greetings, and Dear Cynthia,

We had the boys' birthday party with our extended families yesterday. The boys love Legos, and each received a couple of Lego kits for gifts, so they are happily (as in NOT FIGHTING) busy this morning, allowing me to get caught up on a bunch of paperwork. Recall the cake "spec":Here is the finished product:Not my best work, but the boys were tickled by it and got to poke all of the little animals into the cake, so a success.

I can't seem to stop making socks. This one is the result of trying to use up leftovers from the Lorna's Laces socks I made this summer:
I'm just about ready to make the contrasting heel. I'm big into the toe-up thing now, especially for this sock, as the amount of yarn I have is questionable, so I actually can just knit until I run out..... Have I said I am loving the toe-up technique?!

We've had a week of rainy weather, to be followed by another week of rainy weather. There are flash flood warnings in the area, and actual flooding in many nearby locations. For the time being, our house is fine, so I am very thankful. Along with the rain, it's a few degrees cooler, so this has prompted me to dig out my Sapporo, and tonight I'm going to try to begin the "finishing" work of sewing in the sleeves, finishing the neckline, hemming, etc. Before we know it, the weather will allow the wearing of just such a sweater, so I want to be ready!

Well, back to my paperwork. I hope this finds you all well!

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)

1 comment:

  1. The cake is GREAT!!! When I first saw the drawing, I had no idea how you would manage. But you totally nailed it!! Fabulous. You are a rockin' mom. :)
