Thursday, July 26, 2007

Button, button, let's pick a button!

Greetings and Dear Laura:

Hello! Hope all is well with you and that you're surviving your class. Things are very calm around here lately and I love that! We also got a good rain last week and again yesterday, so now the grass has gone from "crunchy brown" to at least "mostly green!"

We had a mini-baby-shower yesterday for a friend from Work. Neither Lauren or I could attend her baby shower last weekend, so we met for lunch at Panera to have our own! It was lots of fun - we ended up with a "bath" theme. Lauren got a really cute "bath-toy storage" turtle and some lavender bath scent, and I got towels and a toy. Too fun.


Now I am all about finishing the baby surprise sweater. I got quite a bit done last night, and today at lunch. I may be able to finish tonight - for sure tomorrow night. That means that this birthday gift just might get blocked!

I knew that I would get to the button holes today, so I went through my button jar and brought some possibilities along.
The heart button was cute, but I'm hoping this sweater will be something she can wear also at Christmas, so that didn't work as well. The three-button set was the wrong color, but the two-buttons are just right, so that's what I went with. The button holes are worked now, so just 4 more rows to bind off. YAY!! Then I'm going to add some length to the sleeves, sew shoulder seams and add the buttons and it's ready to block.

I thought this morning that if I buckle down and get the ladybug sweater ready for Stitches and knock out those baby socks, by next week I can actually cast on a new project, WHATEVER I WANT, guilt free!

Then when I got to work, someone dropped off an invitation to a baby shower for a co-worker who is having twin girls. The shower is in two weeks. Good thing I have an ample supply of pink yarn. Can you say "worsted weight??"

Keep knitting!! Take your example from Lauren, who is back to "
Knitting at Lunch!"


Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Hi Cynthia,

    Your sockapalooza4 pal here. I am done with your socks and will be blocking them (!) this weekend for the big sendoff next week. I hope that you will like them!

    I am going to attend stitches on the 9th and 10th of August. I would like to meet up with you in person - I read on a prior blog that you were attending. Want to meet for a class of vino or coffee or soda or whatever? Take care. Your pal!
