Monday, July 23, 2007

And home....

Greetings and Dear Laura:

Well, I had a grand time this weekend. It was so much fun to take a road trip again and see my friends! The kids have all grown SO tall, and last year's baby is running now.

Saturday was so gorgeous - sunny and warm with a lovely breeze. We spent a few hours at the beach, which was very relaxing. I want a yarn that has all those blues!!


I also made a trip to the new yarn store in Kenosha called
Fiddlehead Yarns. The store is a nice size, very bright and airy with lots of great yarns. They have a generous selection of books and needles and tools, as well as bags and patterns. The walls are lined with square "cubbies" of yarn, and I greatly appreciated that each cubbie was labeled with the name, gauge, needle size and yardage. Also, many of the yarns had a knitted sample in the area. The samples were all clearly labeled with the name of the yarn, fiber content, and needle size used. And the bonus was the baseball game on the radio!!

The yarn was split between 2 rooms, and the back room featured a large table and chairs for classes or just for drop-in knitting. There were several knitters there, knitting and asking questions about their projects. The shop-person was very friendly and helpful, taking time to get them on track.

I chose 2 colors of Kureyon for my Lizard Ridge collection. She asked what I was going to do with the yarn, and when I told her, she asked how far along I am. I explained that I'm still collecting the yarn, and she pulled out her half-finished afghan from under the counter! It looks great, and I think it's wise that she is joining the pieces together as she goes, so that it's not a marathon finishing project at the end.

All in all, I could only think of 2 things that I would do differently. I am in an "interesting sock yarn" mood lately, so I would have liked to have seen that section be expanded. She had a good selection of Lorna's Laces, and several self-patterning yarns (including a nice selection of the Austerman Step) but I wasn't very tempted.

And the baseball game on the radio? It was a Cubs game, and I would have to arrange to have the Cardinal's games playing!!

So, other than the scary lion in the living room it was a grand weekend! (It was just too large for my comfort. I had "lion in my bedroom" nightmares as a child...the girls ASSURED me that it isn't real, but I don't like to take a chance when it comes to lions...)


Keep knitting!

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)


  1. so with you on the lion comments- mine were wolves and wild dogs, coming up the stairs outside my bedroom.

  2. Isn't it funny how those things stick with us even when we're old enough to know better!?
