Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Knitting Delusions......

Greetings and Dear Laura:

First of all, thanks to Arianne and Debi for the tips on the provisional cast on. I'll definitely give it a try on my next pair of socks. I have a pattern that I fell in love with,(hmm, were's that link? HERE it is...) but have since avoided because of the provisional cast-on. While I tend toward the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" philosophy (and I love the figure-8 cast on toe!) I like to keep an open mind about learning new knitting techniques. Hey, everything I've learned was new at some point!

Laura, your socks are beautiful! I love the yarn, the colors and the pattern all! Great job. I'm glad you had enough yarn....and I'll be digging into the directions for that bind off sometime next week is my guess.

Because I have delusions. Blanket delusions. And a deadline.

Yes, even tho two weeks ago I accepted the fact that the blanket would not be finished by June 30th, I cannot completely let go of the madness. Despite the fact that I started this blanket in January, and in the next 5.5 months I was able to knit all of 35" (of the 60" that is the goal) somehow last Friday I thought that if I knit REALLY REALLY HARD and did NOTHING ELSE (except go to work) just MAYBE.....

I don't know how these things happen. And I have in the last 4 days knit an additional 10"! (And done laundry and gone to church and a birthday party!) Now I have 15" left. I've started carrying it (gigantic tho it is!) to work for my lunch hour, so that's 3 extra hours to work on it yet this week. The math breaks down like this:

In one focused hour, I can knit 6 rows which is .75" I need 15" more. That equals 20 hours of knitting. I have 3 lunch hours, so I need 17 more hours. The kicker is...the party isn't until Saturday at 5 pm!! SO, if I knit the next 4 evenings for 3 hours, that's 12 more hours, leaving just 5 hours that I need to knit on Saturday!

Here are current pictures - the "brick" side is the pattern, but I think I like the reverse side even better. And I'm amazed at how much less yarn the slip-stitch rows take. The brown is solid garter stitch, and I get 11" per skein. The pink is knit 3 slip 1, and I get almost 17" per skein (same yardage.) Amazing....
Front sideReverse side

Anyway. Keep knitting!! (I know I will.........)

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)


  1. Keep going, you can do it. My second gurl may be two before she gets her blanket and the sweater never did get seamed, nor the booties...
    The blanket is gorgeous though

  2. That's some serious blanket action! Go go go! It'll be great to see it finished. Leave 5 minutes to take a picture when you're done.

  3. You can do it!!!!! I expect to see bruised and cramped hands on monday....

  4. The slip stitch blanket is lovely! I've used the pattern for a dishcloth and I was very pleased with how simple it was to make and how it looks.
