Friday, May 18, 2007

What's missing?

Greetings, and Dear Cynthia,

What's missing in this photo?I (finally) finished the first sleeve on the sweater for my godson / nephew. It's maybe a little bit long, though one inch shorter than the "standard" dimensions I was following. In any case, I think it looks just fine turned up. It is being shown here on an almost seven year old. The intended recipient is almost five, and I have one of those at my house, too, but he is much less cooperative in the "trying on of unfinished knitting" department, so my almost seven year old had to be my model. (From the look on is face, I'm not sure he was thrilled by this, either.) I wanted a sweater my nephew could grow into, so I think this will work. Now my almost seven year old wants one just like it, though I'll be done with stripes for a while after this is finished. The yarn, Patons Classic Wool Merino, is very soft, and it was in my stash, so all the better.

Now a comment about working on a pair of socks and the sleeves of a sweater during the same time frame. There are generally two sleeves on a sweater, and two socks in a pair. I'm growing weary right now of both the sleeves and the socks, and I fear that I might delve into my stash and cast on something new very soon. Of course, at some point I'm going to have to actually sew together the knitted pieces I have laying around here, also, to actually have some finished objects..... It always gets done.....e.v.e.n.t.u.a.l.l.y......but my KADD (knitting attention deficit disorder) is at an all time high right now.

Well, I'd better get rolling here again. My six year old has a piano recital tonight, and I'm going to bake some cookies to take along for the reception afterwards. I think that I am always much more nervous about these recitals than he is.

I'll end with a meme. I was tagged by Yarngineer. The idea of the thing is that you make statements which always begin with the words "I am"... So, here goes, in no particular order:

  • I am... a mom, and there are many people who know me only as my sons' mom, though this doesn't bother me at all.
  • I am... on the shorter side, and can only rarely find pants in my size that I don't have to alter.
  • I am... not a big shopper, primarily going to stores only when there are things there I need/want.
  • I am... a good saver.
  • I am... a student and I really like going to school.
  • I am... a knitter; my dh thinks I might be obsessed.
  • I am... a sewer and occasional quilter, and really struggle to actually pay for ready-made clothes which I know I could easily make, though I often don't get around to making said clothes.
  • I am... always looking for ways to be less wasteful, because I feel I've been richly blessed in many ways, though feel obligated to be a good steward of these gifts.
  • I am... a pianist and percussionist, and play with the Madison Marimba Quartet.
  • I am... an adequate cook, though it is not my favorite thing to do, especially the part about cleaning up afterward.
  • I am... 42 years old.
  • I am... content, which is not something I really realized until the past few years, though it has helped me to enjoy the "journey" more than only looking foward to "destinations", though I am still very "goal-oriented", too.
  • I am... ready for lunch, and so is my four year old, so I'd better run.

I tag "YOU" -- That is, you, Cynthia, and anybody else who might be reading and who would like to participate. Let me know if you decide to do this so that I may check out your blog, too, or feel free to leave it in the comments!

Have a great weekend!

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. I am...a mother of two teenagers.
    I am...a former oboe player.
    I am...a lover of bright colors.
    I am...learning about the beauty of process.
    I am...42 years old minus 12 days.
    I am...letting my hair turn grey and getting comfortable with it.
    I am..going to have dinner with my husband tonight and then heading off to knit night at the Sow's Ear.

  2. I am...totally serious when I say that I will take the bus and stalk the Madison Marimba Quartet until I see them perform live. This could be avoided if one of their members just let me know before their next performance and I would come see them like a civilized human being. :)

  3. Alright, marimba! My mom put me through piano lessons when i was younger, and in high school I played xylophone my senior year in our "winter drumline" thing. Hooray for percussion! (during regular band I played several other instruments... i played oboe as well, posie knit!)

  4. nice pics! :o)
    it's so funny at teh same time as being impressive that you knit this much without throwing the yarn out the window--stripes can be so tedious can't they?.
    way to go!

  5. Hey, yo, you been tagged AGAIN. Now bring it with yo bad self and 8 things.

    Just kidding. But yeah, you are tagged.
