Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sewing day, INDEED, plus a little knitting.....

Greetings and Dear Cynthia,

I enjoy hearing from you no matter if there are pictures or not! It's just nice to catch a glimpse of what's going on in your world. I'll enjoy watching your sockapalooza adventure!

It's a quick post here today, too. In about an hour, I'll be "babysitting" for the rest of the day. I think I've regressed, because I'm saving up my babysitting money to buy an iPod, and I'm working toward applying to grad school. Am I 42 or 22??

Anyway, here is Branching Out in all of its blocking glory, completed with plenty o' time to spare before it's deadline: I did 40 repeats, and it measures 7" x 74". This is dk/sport weight yarn using size 9 needles.

And, the close up:Also, since Tuesday IS sewing day, and since my quilting group meets tomorrow, I decided it was time to finish up my commitment to bind a couple of the quilts for the group. It is a group at a church down the street, and we make quilts for Lutheran World Relief, so these could end up anywhere in the world. I've seen pictures of similar quilts being used as tents/shelter, though I know some have gone to Katrina victims, as well. It would be interesting to track the life of one of these. Anyway, we take fabrics from old drapes, or stashes of people who no longer quilt, or stashes from estates, etc., and try to put them together into quilts which are 60"x80". We do the normal pieced front (though we use quite "large" pieces to save time) / batting / backing sandwich. Then they are machine quilted. Then the backing is folded over to the front around all of the edges and stitched down to form the binding, which is what I'm doing today on two of them. These take up a lot of space in my work room, so it will be nice to finish them up and return them to the group.

Well, it's already lunch time! Have fun in your search for the perfect sock yarn!

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Nice scarf! that pattern always shows off the yarn so nicely! :o) love your color choice!

  2. Love that Branching Out! The quilts look pretty cool, too.

  3. The Branching Out looks really great. Isn't it frustrating that it's too nice out now to wear it anywhere? (Heck, if it were me, I might just wear it anyway. If starlets can wear sunglasses bigger than their heads and keep a straight face, I'd wear the danged scarf in summer.)

    I'm always so impressed by quilting. And charity work. Both are so cool.

    Also, congratulations on the Chemistry exam! That's great. Now you can really enjoy your summer off from school and concentrate on babysitting -- you'll have that iPod in no time! (That's so cool that you're saving your babysitting money for an iPod. LOL)

  4. I just started a branching out scarf... I can only hope mine turns out as nice as yours!!!!

  5. OOOO! Gorgeous scarf! Great job! Love it in that color too!
