Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday is Sewing Day -- Third edition

Greetings and Dear Cynthia,

I really want to thank you for the tip about first removing the cellophane wrapper **prior** to knitting a bar of soap into a soap sweater. To be completely honest, there is a very **strong** possibility that I would miss that little nuance, and for a soap sweater to function properly, I imagine that step is crucial. So again, **great** tip! Hmmm.... Hypothetically speaking, if I **should** happen to forget to remove the wrapper, is there a way to fix the problem which doesn't involve a scissors?

It was fun to hear about the stashes that some of you have, though Allison -- I'm not going to mention to my dh that I've found somebody having a smaller stash than mine :-)

Barb - It was reassuring to hear that other tooth fairies might be as similarly challenged as the one who works in the region of my house!

My knitting has taken a back seat to studying for a chemistry test. I'm aiming to be ready for the test by May 1st and have sent a note to the instructor about taking it then, though am waiting to hear back from him. However, I have the hood on my childHood (revised to make it a pullover) well underway, and with the hood shaping behind me, it's just striped stockinette for about 13 inches or so.....so a great project to carry around. Here's the front, in which I intentionally overlapped the center part, sort of similar to how it would overlap if it was a cardigan with the front buttoned -- though it overlaps for only about half the width of the garter stitch edging:Here's the back, showing some of the increases for the shaping:I haven't calculated the exact knitted area of the hood yet, but I'm going to (because I know that Jennifer might be interested in such a fact -- if you can believe it, I think Jennifer is more obsessed with knitting math than I am) -- I think this hood might actually be more stockinette than one of the sleeves.....so once I figure out how I'm going to make the sleeves, I'll let you know...

Jennifer, by the way, holds the closest relative to my own stash. She and I have a few of the same projects in our queues, and she has just completed her Sapporo -- take a look at her color scheme (scroll down the page), and the installation of her white zipper looks imaculate! Now if only I could get motivated to finish mine..... Maybe after my chemistry test.....

For sewing today, now that the spring weather is revealing itself again (can you believe that last week Wednesday my six year old had a snow day?), I'm feeling all springy and am thinking about a cute tiered skirt. With my sewing, it's all about stash this year (similar to my other major hobby), so I thought I'd make some fun new skirts. I'll show you what I end up with in my next post.....

Have a great day!
Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. You will do great on the Chemistry test!

    It must feel weird to go back and study things you had studied before. Before one of my knitting groups, I overheard some older women going over molecular bonding from their chemistry class at the local college. It was trippy for me to even hear it. :)

  2. Anonymous7:57 AM

    good luck on the test--kudos to you on going back to school. You are awesome! :o)
    also, dood! that hood looks so nice!!! and great color combo too! can't wait to see it as an FO! :o)

  3. Ooooh! I love the stipedy hood! Be sure and put your name on the list for Traditional Knitting. I'll be taking it back soon!

  4. To put in that white zipper on Sapporo - I made use of Laura's directions in the How to sidebar.

    I'm really liking the hood (even though I do want to know how many stitches are in it).

    Did I tell you that there are approximately 93,204 sts in my Sapporo that were knitted in 8 weeks (this does not include all the stitches that were taken out and knit a second time - there were lots of those).

  5. Great work on that hood. I'm studying the increases at the base of the skull: this is information I need.
