Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Easter!

Greetings and Dear Cynthia,

I have so much to do today in order to prepare for our family's Easter Celebration tomorrow, because it is going to be at our house. So, to cope with the stress of it all, I decided to procrastinate. So far today, I have sewn part of another valence, knit part of a sweater, and soon I'll help my six year old with his science project. Maybe my guests tomorrow won't be expecting a clean house and a nice meal? It's clear that I have to kick it into high gear SOON!...maybe right after I'm done with this post...
On the childHood sweater, I ended up ripping back to the top of the pocket. On the side edges of the pocket, I used garter stitch, which was causing the pocket to tug on the bottom part where it is attached to the sweater. Wait, I'll back up a little bit... I knit 40 rows for the pocket and put the top of it on a stitch holder. Then, I went back and knit the rest of the sweater **behind** it, exactly 40 rows once again. Then, I knit the top of the pocket stitches together with the next row, so I was expecting the whole thing to lay perfectly flat...since both the pocket and the sweater behind it were exactly 40 rows....except, because of the garter stitch along the pocket sides, there was this tugging/puckering....and so, I ripped the sweater back so that even though the pocket is 40 rows tall, the sweater behind it is only 37 rows. It helped a LOT! I think blocking it will help even more to make things lie flat. I've got the back of it completed, and am now working on the rest of the front...

Thanks for all of the helpful hints regarding my poor flowers. My daffodils keep perking up again. I'm not so sure about the fate of my bleeding hearts...though, Easter is a time to be thinking about **NEW LIFE**, so I remain hopeful!!

I put my shelves up without a hitch, and in my scheme to **once and for all** clean up my work room, I think having these shelves is key. I'm not finished de-cluttering yet, but already it is much improved, easier for me to find/see things, and I just have less of a chaotic feeling as I work in the room.

Well, time to move on to tackling the things I must do today, mostly cleaning and some laundry... For motivation, I'll just think about how relaxed I'll feel tomorrow knowing that all of the hard work is done! ...or, maybe I'll procrastinate some more.....

Have a Blessed Easter! He is Risen! He is Risen, INDEED!

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)
P.S. I **LOVE** your Lace Baby Socks pattern!

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