Saturday, February 03, 2007

Sewing a Zipper into a Cardigan

I'll never forget talking with one of the authors of a pattern book for extremely cute children's sweaters. She said that if a pattern calls for a zipper, she won't even consider it. Since most directions I've encountered for inserting zippers say something like, "Sew in zipper", I felt there was a need for a tutorial for knitters who want to install zippers. People who sew clothes often have a bit of training and experience with zipper insertion, but it might be a little bit harder for knitters...

I am going to share with you a method for zipper insertion which I developed as I sewed zippers into more than half a dozen handknit sweaters over the years. Since I learned to sew long before I learned to knit, my method employs some of the techniques I learned in various sewing books and classes, though I've adapted the techniques to apply them to handknit items.

The sewing may be done by machine, or by hand. It all depends on the garment, the presence or lack of a sewing machine, and/or personal preference.

A zipper that is going to be used in a cardigan must be able to separate, and the zipper package will say "separating" someplace on it.Often I will plan my knitting so that the front opening will be just the right size for a "standard" zipper length, typically 18", 22", 24", etc. If I finish the sweater and discover that my opening isn't quite the same as a standard zipper length, then I'll purchase a zipper slightly shorter than the opening. (Generally over time and with wear, my handknit sweaters get a little bit wider and it is better to have the zipper be slightly shorter than the front edge rather than longer. Sometimes the front edge may be "eased" a little bit into a shorter length zipper...or, the zipper can begin and end half inch from the top and/or bottom of the sweater. (I haven't had much luck with shortening cardigan zippers... It either gets too bulky having the zipper coil turned back on itself at the top of the zipper, or if the excess coil is cut off, then I worry about the zipper tape unravelling.) When selecting a zipper, if I can't find an exact color match, I'll go a little bit darker, or I'll go with something neutral, such as black or navy to go with darker colors, etc.

For my Murphy sweater, my opening is about 22", though I couldn't find a very good match to the blue, so the zipper I purchased was 22" long, navy, and separating. (Note that there are also choices for zipper style, such as sport versions having large plastic teeth, or coiled teeth, or metal teeth, etc. These are all a matter of personal preference. Most critical is getting the right length, color, and that it will separate.)

I prepare the zipper for installation. I almost always use this tape (Wash-A-Way Wonder Tape).... It is not necessary, but I find that it is helpful.Place a length of the tape along the outside edges of the right side of the zipper. Here the zipper is shown with the tape still having the paper backing on it. With the zipper still zipped, remove the paper backing of the tape, and fold the top edges of the zipper tape down to overlap the top front of the zipper, making sure that the part which is folded over will not interfere with the movement of the slider. I generally put another piece of the double sided tape along each of the edges which have just been folded over. (Note: Do not cut off the excess zipper tape. It is typically woven, and it will unravel. Once the zipper has been sewn in, it will barely be noticeable.)

With zipper still zipped, align each cardigan front edge with the zipper tape, taking care to position the front edges of the cardigan where you want them to be. (Sometimes you want the zipper to be seen when it is zipped. Sometimes you want the zipper to be hidden when it is zipped. For the latter case, there will probably be some sort of special treatment on the front edges, such as a folded over placket, or an I-cord knit in, which will form the portion which will cover the zipper.) For my Murphy sweater, the front edges are made up of garter stitch which is two stitches wide. This particular stitch does not lend itself well to covering over a zipper, so I will be sewing my zipper in so that the zipper teeth will be seen when the zipper is closed. Also, this is how it is shown in the magazine photo.

When placing the zipper into position, it is also critical that any horizontal "lines" inherent in the garment match up. For instance, in my Murphy sweater, I want the part where the collar is attached to line up, that is, to be in the same position on the right side as it is on the left side. Similarly, the top edges should line up, and the bottom edges should line up when the zipper is closed. (The horizontal white strips shown in this next photo mark the places in which alignment is critical.) This photo shows the zipper taped in place, though I've added some stick pins to hold it together, too.Specific to this project, as I'm placing the zipper into my Murphy sweater, I am positioning the knitted fabric so that it is almost next to the zipper teeth (though not so close that it will interfere with the movement of the slider), and taking care so that the base of the collar on the left side lines up with the base of the collar on the right side. My Murphy sweater has a collar facing which will be folded over after the zipper is inserted, so I will align the top edges of my zipper to a position just below the fold line of the collar. Finally, I will make sure that my bottom edges are all even, too.

Press down firmly on the taped areas to allow the tape to adhere well. (If the assembly is allowed to sit for a few hours, the tape seems to become a bit tackier and adheres better. However, this also will make it be a bit "gummy", but for me, it is a small price to pay for the "help" in holding things together better.) Carefully unzip the zipper. I generally add many pins to keep the zipper/garment properly in place.

(Now a word about machine sewing versus hand sewing the zipper into place. Any zipper may be sewn in by hand. Only certain zipper installations allow for sewing in by machine. If the zipper is going to be hidden by a folded over or I-corded front edge, it will probably work best to sew by hand, since you don't want the machine stitching to ruin the look of the folded over facing, etc. An example of this can be found here. (Scroll down to the bottom of the linked page.) If the zipper isn't going to be hidden, and if the front edges of the garment have a bit of texture, such as seed stitch or garter stitch, then if a nice matching thread is selected, the zipper will lend itself well to being sewn in by machine. The stitches **may** be detected if studied closely, but for the most part, they are very difficult to see. These next photos illustrate this - all of these zippers were sewn in by machine, yet it is extremely difficult to see the lines of stitching.)(One drawback of machine stitching is that it may be more difficult than hand stitching to remove if any adjustments are required in the zipper installation. A couple of advantages, however, are that machine stitching is quite fast, and also very secure.)

Sew a stitching line on each side of the zipper as close to the front edge of the fabric as the garment allows. For my Murphy sweater, I sewed about 1/8" away from the edge of the knitting. I sewed mine using a sewing machine, standard straight stitch (2.5mm), though a longer stitch length (3.0 or 3.5mm) may be better for bulkier knits. If sewing by hand, use a backstitch, being careful to keep stitches from showing on the outside of the garment. (The following diagram illustrates how to do backstitch.)For machine sewing, stitch again about 3/16" away from first stitching to secure outside edges of zipper tape. For hand sewing, secure zipper tape by using a hem stitch to attach it to the garment along the edges.

At this point, feel free to cover the inside of the zipper with your choice of trim. I've never used any sort of decorative covering over my zippers, because I think that if the zipper tape edges are secured neatly by hemming them in place, it already has a very clean finish...but using a nice trim to hide the inside of the zipper might be fun. Again, make sure to keep the edges of the trim far enough away from the zipper teeth to allow free movement of the slider.

For my Murphy sweater, I folded down the collar facing, and used matching thread to secure the front edges of the facing to the zipper tape, again making sure the slider moves freely. Now I'm ready to complete the rest of the sweater!

Feel free to let me know if any of this is confusing, or if anything is missing, or if you've found this information helpful, or if you have a better idea! Have fun!

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. Anonymous1:00 PM

    This is the most complete tuitorial on zippers that I have seen online! I too am a sewer, so am not afraid of zippers, but never thought to use the tape. Great idea!

  2. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Good idea!

  3. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Good idea! I come from China.

  4. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Thanks for the tape tip. I'm working on a sweater right now that needs a zipper.

  5. You have made this look so easy I just may try it. I don't have a pattern in mind yet but I'm much less afraid to consider one!

  6. Wow! Great tuitorial. You make it look so much easier than how I went about it the last time I tried to put in a zipper. I'm definately going to bookmark this for the next time I put one in. Thanks!

  7. Oh, you are wonderful, Laura! I HATE zippers, and this guide (which I saved as a pdf for posterity) might make me consider doing them again.

  8. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I have sewn zippers in lots of dresses and pants, but have avoided knitted sweaters with zippers for some reason. I'm bookmarking this for use later, because I think now I am quite brave enough to try it. Thank you very, very much for your time and great tips.

  9. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

  11. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Thanks for suggesting the wonder
    tape. Just makes things alot easier.


  12. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Thank you so very much !

    I just bought an expensive skirt on which the zipper broke the first time I wore it. I usually go to the dressmaker to have any repairs done because I hate sewing (and I'm lousy at it...). This time however I wasn't about to spend more money on this !@#@#! skirt.
    I followed your instructions and What do you know ! I repaired my skirt by myself and it looks perfect.

    Thanks again for taking the time to help others.

    R. from Montreal

  13. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Thanks so much for this tutorial!

    I have a baby sweater that will be moving from WIP to FO this evening. Yay!

  14. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I have been searching the internet for days trying to find instructions for putting a zipper in a sweater I just made. I am so glad I found your website. These instructions are perfect. Now I can put my zipper in and know I can use my machine. Thank you so much. Chris

  15. Wow! Thanks! Now all I need is a child's cardigan pattern [size 4] with a zipper in the front that according to The Boy In Question HAS to look like something Mr. Rogers would wear... Does anybody know of one?


  16. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Thanks for doing this... I've just had my 3rd frog of a zipper, I can see the errors of my ways! One question, do you pre-wash the zipper before applying?
    thanks again - Jeanne

  17. Jeanne -- I've never pre-washed a zipper before sewing it into a sweater. My reasoning is that the zipper teeth are generally made out of something that doesn't shrink or expand (like plastic or metal), so I don't worry about the zipper. However, I ALWAYS pre-wash the sweater (block it) prior to putting in the zipper... I hope this helps! Good luck! Laura

  18. Elizabeth -- I don't know of any Mr. Rogers style cardigan patterns, and I've searched for them to make a plain zipped sweater for dh, so I finally decided to make up my own and am only part way through with it. My strategy is to start with a generic cardigan pattern, and leave a little extra room in the front neckline area for the collar. I'm going to have to improvise a little to make a collar that is the right shape. Maybe within the year I'll have something I can publish on the blog. Good luck!

  19. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Thank you sooo much. This is what I've looking for for year. I will try this method basting by hand first to secure and then by machine.

  20. Very useful information. I would like to see an example where there are knitted borders that cover the zipper. Would they be worked before putting the zipper in, or after?

  21. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Been working on a sweater for my daughter, on and off for three years!!! What has been holding me back is the thought of putting in the zipper when I was done knitting. Thanks so much for your tape tips and complete instructions!! Sweater looks great!!

  22. Anonymous5:58 AM

    A thousand thank yous for the time and effort you put into writing and picturing how to put a zipper into a sweater. I, too, had always heard experienced knitters quail at zippers. My daughter wanted a zipper in her sweater, however. When I came upon your article and knew I had found the solution. The zipper went in beautifully!, and she is so pleased. B in So. Carolina

  23. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Having purchased ready-made sweaters for my aging mother, I am putting invisible zippers in the back of each turtleneck.... all of this to save one's couture hair-do :) Thanks for sharing the do's and don'ts as it give me confidence to attempt the task.

  24. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Thank you for the advice on sewing in a zipper by machine I would never have thought of the tape. Going to try it wish me luck.


  25. This was a very informative tutorial. My only question is what is a hem stitch?

  26. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Thank you so much for your help. I am going to tackle my zipper with new confidence.

  27. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Thank you Thank you I've been debating on how to put the zipper in my sweaters I thought machine would be more staple but unsure how Thanks for the tips

  28. I'm doing it your way! I love it, my zipper is coming out great. Only thing is I am handsewing and my needle is sticky from the sticky tape!

  29. Excellent. This is, hands down, the best zipper tutorial I've ever encountered. Thank you.

  30. This is a great tutorial! I only have one question - what type of needle did you use?

  31. LaRue -- I used the same kind of needle I would use for hand-sewing clothing -- it was rather small in diameter, and quite sharp, so that it would easily go through the zipper tape. (The typical darning needle used for finishing work in knitting would not work...) I hope this helps...

  32. Anonymous6:48 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Thank you for this complete and concise instruction. Although I have lots of sewing experience, I was not sure how to attack this zipper installation. This seems very helpful and I will try it!

  34. Carol6:55 PM

    I have a hand knit jacket with 1.5" wide bands that remains flat on either side of the front. Should I sew gross grain ribbon on the back of each band to stabilize the facings before I add the separating zipper? This is a bulky knit.

  35. Carol -- I've never sewn in grossgrain ribbon to stabilize prior to zipper insertion. The zipper offers some degree of stability to the front bands, and so far I've been happy with my results without the grossgrain ribbon. However, I've never sewn a zipper into a sweater that had bands much more than 3/4"... That said, you might try to sew in your zipper, and then sew in a wider piece of grossgrain ribbon to cover the zipper tape and reinforce the 1.5 inches of band. This would give a nice finished edge (covering over the edges of the zipper) as well as offer stability to the remaining part of your wide front bands... Just some thoughts... Best wishes with your project!

  36. Carol5:23 AM

    Thanks for your reply! This is a vogue knitting pattern that just says "insert zipper"!! Yes, one of those detailed instructions!

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. Thank you! I'm a knitter, not a sewer, but I think that I can tackle putting in a zipper now.

  39. Anonymous7:26 PM

    This is great! When I told the ladies at the LYS that I was going to put a zipper in my tomten sweater, not buttons, and they looked sick to their stomachs. I'll admit, it swept away my confidence. I kept thinking, "What do they know that I don't? Have they seen a parade of teary knitters over the years, showing ruined hand knits with mangled zippers?" But now I'm ready to go for it! (Well, after I get that washing tape!)

  40. Anonymous5:01 AM

    You are very generous to share your knowledge with us. Brilliant.Thank you soooooo much.

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  42. Thank you everyone from the comments.If you don't mind passing this story along to anyone you'd think you'd like it I'd greatly appreciate it.

  43. Linda8:00 AM

    This is very helpful -- clear and detailed, gives me confidence to try it. Thank you!

  44. nice post...
    Nice creativity.

  45. Thank you so much for taking the time to post these fabulous instructions! I was told about the tape, but not exactly how to use it.

  46. Hello ,. I'm definitely going to bookmark this for the next time it will be useful for me .

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  124. Great tuitorial. You make it look so much easier than how I went about it the last time I tried to put in a zipper. I'm definately going to bookmark this for the next time I put one in. Thanks!

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  178. Super. Now I know How :) Thanks for the info.

  179. Thanks I have sewn a few zippers in my day but just started to crochet and sewing in a zipper to my jacket scares me a little but I think I can handle it now

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  185. Thank you I've been debating on how to put the zipper in my sweaters I thought machine would be more staple but unsure how Thanks for the tips

  186. Manufacturers produce zippers by the billions each year, however the gadget wasn't always such a success. In the early phases of advancement, zippers went through design modifications, not successful marketing attempts and a couple of name modifications. Zippers are plentiful today due to the tremendous perseverance of financiers, an engineer who provided the item its important final touches and World War I, when the zipper was standardized for the very first time.To know more about the history of zipper click here Mr. Zipper

  187. i just followed this tutorial to add a zipper to an open cardigan i love but always have to pin closed ... it worked like a charm and i'm thrilled with my "new" sweater ... thanks a million for taking the time to put this together and share with everyone!

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  196. Thanks so much for this helpful tutorial with clear instructions! I'm about to put my first zipper in a lopi sweater!
