Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Dear Cynthia,

I clearly have a **bad** case of KAD (Knitter's Attention Deficit), which I'm not calling a "disorder", because, well, that's just how knitters can be...

Here is exhibit A: a ski band I started on Sunday.It is a pattern from Knitter's, Winter 2002 (K69), except the pattern calls for stockinette in the center area, and am knitting in a cable, instead. I've loved the look of the xo cable for some time now, and decided to try it for myself. I'm using an extra hank I have on hand of Classic Elite Lush (Angora Wool), because it is soooo soft and won't make my head itch when I wear it. Very fast, so should be done in no time....except for the KAD thing...

I give you exhibit B:
This is the Leaf Lace Shawl, and I am loving this yarn for this project. I'm making the larger size (45 inches from neck to center back point, 90 inches across the top). The yarn is merino, between sport and dk weight according to the vendor, hand painted, from Briar Rose Fibers. I purchased 1500 yards of it, all in one hank, at the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival last fall. (This probably all sounds familiar, because I was trying to make a sweater out of it before I ripped it back all the way and started on this.) Anyway, to achieve my desired length, the pattern specifies between 150 and 180 rows for this weight of yarn (I'll just knit enough repeats until I think its big enough), and I currently have 132 rows completed, and since this follows the laws of shawl math, it means I am anywhere between 77 percent and 54 percent done... It's a great shawl pattern, pretty, and not too complicated. I'm using the note card method which Allison shared on her blog some time ago for keeping track of rows when knitting lace. I made one notecard for each right side row (wrong side rows are purled across), and after I'm done with the row, I just flip to the next card. (Since I'm into the math thing, I also jot down on each card the number of the row which I completed...because, you know, I like to keep track of that....along with the number of stitches I should have after each row...)This is my "portable" project, travelling with me to have the car worked on, piano lessons, library story time, etc.....

Well, speaking of library story time, we should start getting ready to go, so I must get my knitting packed up!

Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. I suffer from terrible KAD. I'm trying to get it under control but I think I'm just going to have to give into it.

  2. Perfect colors for a fall shawl!

    Thanks for all the links. notecards! What a great idea :-)

  3. Hi Laura! This is soooo beautiful!!! It makes me so happy that the "Legend" merino yarn you purchased from me worked up so well for you! yay! You are an amazing knitter...keep up the good work!

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