Monday, January 29, 2007

Ode to Intarsia, or, how I spent my first year as a blogger

Dear Cynthia,

Yesterday marked one year since I made my first ever post to this here blog. (And, the day before that was one year since *your* first ever post to this here blog, also known as our "blogiversary".) Congratulations! There are many restaurants which haven't made it this long, and which have lost far more money than us, even including our yarn expenditures...

Anyway, looking back over the year, it seems I've made **five** sweaters having intarsia. It started with the "Big A" sweater for my godson's birthday in July, and I'm just finishing up my "Murphy" (which, I swear, really does look better in person.....) It seems only fitting to mark this occasion with a haiku. I call it, "Ode to Intarsia". It goes like this:

knitting intarsia
yarn gets tangled every row
yet I like the look

(Now I hope it is clear to everybody why my background is in science and *not* literature.....)

Anyway, I've loved having this blog, and the people (real and virtual, though really, you're all real!) I've "met" because of it!! Thanks for reading!

Speaking of people I've met through this blog.....I went to Elizabeth's knitting group this past Saturday morning -- three other bloggers and me. What fun! Elizabeth was wearing a gorgeous sweater which she knit using one of Alice Starmore's motifs. Really, so very impressive. As we all were walking out of the coffee shop to leave, a woman opened her car door, stood up, and shouted out to Elizabeth,"Did you knit that Starmore design? I've made two of those sweaters!" I'm taking this as a sign that knitters are, indeed, slowly taking over the world -- because they're starting to pop up everywhere! That can't be a bad thing.....

Well, time to get going on the rest of my day.
Warmest regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. Congratulations both of you! I have enjoyed my reading and the tips I have learned through your posts.

  2. Came over from the Knitty pattern - I love both scarves! I'm also an engineer (computer) who knits. And happy blogoversary!

  3. Happy Blogiversary to both of you!
