Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Back to normal at last...

Dear Cynthia,

Well, the election is over, and I am so glad that I no longer will have to arrive home to see the light blinking on my answering machine indicating I have five messages, all of which are somebody telling me that I should vote. I am also glad that the many people who have been pounding on our door will leave us alone for a while. Yesterday, I received both a phone call and a visit asking me if I knew if my HUSBAND was going to be voting or not. When I mentioned this to dh, he thought it was odd that my vote didn't seem to matter, and he thought perhaps I should remind them that women in this country DO have the right to vote now. In fact, I voted, because I am a competent, conscientious, and concerned citizen -- not because I was reminded dozens of times that it is important to vote.

Anyway, here is just a thought for anybody who campaigns - "efficiency", that's the ticket. Coordinate your efforts. If I am being contacted dozens of times, then there are probably people who aren't being contacted "at all". And, if somebody thinks that having Josh Lyman from West Wing tell my answering machine how I should vote will help me decide which space on the ballot to fill in, then I'm actually quite insulted. Okay, end of rant. Like I said, I am so glad it is over. Now, back to the normally scheduled commercials on tv.....

Here is the scarf for my little guy so far. It is about halfway done. I'm hoping to make it at least 48 inches long, though not sure....I started with only about 240 yards of yarn. It is the Yarn Harlot's pattern, except I cast on only 22 stitches. It lays very flat, which I like, and it is a nice fabric which doesn't hog the yarn too much, yet looks interesting...

I'm also slowly progressing on Hardangervidda -- completed 31 out of 55 pattern rows on the upper body. Pictures of that in my next post.

Gotta run!
Warm regards,
Laura (YarnThrower)


  1. that looks great. I like how well the pattern turns out in a solid color.

    the yellow looks pretty, too.

  2. Isn't it wonderful to have all the ads and phone calls over with? It's such a deluge, and such a relief when it stops. I don't think Josh Lyman called us, but Bill Clinton and Al Gore did :)

    The scarf looks great! I quite like the'll be nice and cheery in winter.

  3. I think they were more concerned about if your husband is voting is because men are more likely to vote conservative than women....they really wanted that man vote out there.....
