Tuesday, October 31, 2006

This and That....

Dear Laura:

The wonderful news that the Cardinals won the World Series!!! The bad news is that baseball is over now.....I miss it - I got lots of knitting done while I was watching the post-season. (Plus I just love baseball!!)

For example, I knitted this hat for my Godson's birthday while watching the 5 games of the World Series.

I used the same orange Lamb's Pride that I used to make mittens for him last year, and some Cascade 220 Tweed that his mom was using to make a scarf for him. Now he has a set!

I started another hat - this one is reversible, but I'm double-knitting it, based on a pattern from
The Blue Blog. I want to mess around with the decreases a bit, but so far it's going well. I hope it will be a birthday present for my nephew. He's also a Cardinal's fan, so I'm using the leftover yarn from my Cardinals scarf! ;)

In other news, my parents are travelling here from Kentucky tomorrow and staying the weekend. Also, friends from Wisconsin (!) are coming Friday evening for the weekend, so there will be a full house! I'm very excited (and cleaning furiously....that's the beauty of houseguests - it's great motivation!)

The schedule is pretty variable, so I'm trying to think of choices when it comes to menu planning - not a set menu. I did something similar when most of my family travelled Kentucky to stay at my parents house for Labor Day weekend. I knew my mom would fuss about what to make and what to have on hand. So I sent her a meal plan - this day, this time we will have this ready. Then at the end was a "grocery list" of ingredients and amounts. She could check what she had on hand and then take the list shopping.

It worked out really well. There was flexibility - we had the big breakfast Sunday instead of Monday, and we switched the evening meals around once - but we didn't end up having to run to the store for something while we were cooking or anything like. That's my goal for this weekend.

Keep knitting!!

Cynthia (aka Designated Knitter)

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